Chapter 26: Mr. Nosy

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*Two weeks later*

Kola's POV

I was with Halia and Rose in a hotel room. They both wanted to have a girls weekend to get my mind off of Carlos. We had already went to two different malls, a fancy restaurant and to get our nails done. Even after all they did for me, I still couldn't help but think of him. "What are you thinking about?" Halia came to sit beside me.

"You already know." I sighed. "Listen he's probably out there driving some hoe around in the new car he got for offense Rose." Halia smiled. "Now what the fuck is that suppose to mean?" Rose shouted at Halia. "Nothing. It's just, you're pregnant and still don't know who the father is..." Halia explained. "Pregnant or not, I'll still slap you!" Rose threatened.

"Let's not get violent, the baby can feel your emotions." Halia smirked, trying to aggravate Rose. "I should slap the shit out of you. Luckily for you, I'll wait until the baby is born." Rose smiled, obviously annoyed. "Okay!" I finally interfered. The two stopped arguing and looked at me.

We then heard a knock at the door. "It's probably Keo." I shrugged. "Why is he here?" Rose asked. "He wanted to check on me and then talk or something." I explained while opening the door.

I only seen Keo at first when I cracked the door open. Once I opened the door completely I seen one of the guys that came with him to my graduation. The one with the three teardrops tattooed under his eye. "Um, why is he here?" I whispered to Keo. "Because he goes wherever I go." Keo answered. "Why?" I questioned. "Don't worry about it." he pushed past me to come inside the hotel room.

The guy followed Keo inside as I closed the door. "Oh, hey Keo." Halia greeted while standing up. "Anyways." Rose rolled her eyes while taking a bite of the food she ordered. "Well damn." Keo said, putting his middle finger up at Rose. "Been there, done that, thank you next." Rose responded, rolling her eyes again. "Aw, don't be like that." Keo fake pouted.

"Keo, I said hi." Halia interrupted. "Don't worry, I was getting to you." Keo told Halia. "Ew." I whispered but loud enough for them to hear. "What'" Keo asked Halia while walking behind her, staring at her ass. "Ew!" I voiced louder than before.

Halia did get a little "thicker" over the past month, so he had a reason to stare, just not in front of me. "Damn Keo, do you want all of my friends?" I glared at him. "Well he's a horny teenage boy so probably. You know around this age they'll fuck anyone or anyTHING." Rose expressed while opening her drink.

"You would know." Keo quickly retorted, quietly laughing to himself. "Shut. The. Fuck. Up!" Rose said with a forced smile. "You should probably chill before you get on her bad side. Like I always tell people, pregnant women are dangerous." Halia explained to Keo. "Says the one who was just arguing her." I laughed to myself.

"Wait, I'm confused. Who's pregnant?" Keo questioned. "Just take a wild guess." Halia told Keo. All of us looked around slowly. There's me, who was sitting on one of the beds. Halia, who was standing up. Then Rose, the one who was barely paying attention to our conversation because she was eating five different meals that didn't even go together.

"Ohh." Keo slowly said at the realization. "What? Why are all of y'all staring at me like that?" Rose softly asked, turning away from her food. "Admiring your beauty." Halia smiled. "You're lying." Rose almost whined. "Oh lord, here we go again." Halia tried to whisper. "What do you mean here we go again?" Rose asked, teary eyed. "Oh Rose, don't start crying...again." Halia sighed.

"Okay, well I'm just gonna leave now..." Keo walked towards the door. "I thought you had something important to tell me." I spoke. "Oh yea...stay away from that park by moms house and the corner store down the street from your old school." he explained. "Why?" I asked. "Stop asking so many questions, just listen to me." Keo put his hand on my shoulder.

"Whatever but, you couldn't tell me this over the phone?" I expressed my confusion. "I could've but I wanted to be nosy...and see Halia." he whispered. "Okay, you've over stayed your welcome." I opened the door for him. Keo and the other guy walked out the hotel room. "See you later." I waved. "Hopefully." Keo responded before walking off.

What the hell did he mean by "hopefully"?

"Rose I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad." I heard Halia say from behind me, still trying to stop Rose from crying. "Halia, obviously you're making it worse so be quiet!" I finally interfered. "Don't yell at me because I did nothing wrong." Halia fired back. "You're the reason she's been crying in the first place." I stated, glaring at her. "Oh whatever." Halia crossed her arms.

"Rose what's wrong?" I asked while rubbing her back. She looked up at me with glossy eyes. "I don't know." she sighed. "It's okay" I comforted her while sticking my tongue out at Halia. Halia glared at me in return. "Do you want to go taste testing at the ice cream shop down the street?" Halia suggested. "Yea, sure." Rose answered. Halia then stuck her tongue out at me.

"Do you wanna come with us?" Rose asked me. "No, I'll wait here." I answered. "Are you sure?" Halia questioned. "Yea, I'm not really up for stranger interactions right now." I explained, making them both laugh a little. The two took their phones off the chargers and left once they were ready. I was left in the hotel room by myself.

I felt lonely until I got a phone call. It was strange seeing Carlos mom calling me, especially right after we broke up.

"Hi Mrs. Ruiz." I answered. "Kola." I heard quiet crying. My stomach instantly began to hurt. Mrs. Ruiz was such a happy person and only cried when something really bad had happened. "Y-yes." I hesitated to answered. I listened to her sobbing for some seconds before she finally spoke "You need to come to the hospital...Carlos was in a bad car accident..."

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