Chapter 15: Elijah

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Keo's POV

"So...who's Elijah?" I curiously questioned, walking towards Kola once Carlos left. Kola gestured me to come sit by her. I sat on the couch, inches away from her. "You remember moms friend?" Kola asked. "Mom has a lot of friends, you have to be more specific then that." I stated. "Maybe if you let me finish, you would know who I'm talking about." Kola spoke with an attitude.

"Maybe if you didn't take forever to talk, you would've finished." I shot back. "I don't even know why I'm talking to you." she sighed in frustration. "Fine, I'll listen." I leaned back. "Mom's friend Kim. Do you remember her?" she asked. "Yea, I do...she has big tits." I smirked as I thought about her figure.

"Ew Keo, stop that's nasty." Kola frowned. "Fine." I laughed. "Remember her son?" she asked. "Oh yea, Junior that's his name." I realized. "No, that's what people called him. His name's Elijah." she explained. "Oh...oh." I finally understood. I quickly turned around as I heard footsteps behind us.

"Don't mind me, just getting another bag of chips." Rose reached into the pantry. "Another?" I questioned. "Yea, these are just too good." Rose happily explained. "Yea, whatever" I slowly turned back around. "Um, do y'all know where the olives are? I can't find them." Rose complained.

"Maybe if you can't find it, it's not in there." I answered, sarcasm in my tone."You know, you're right I'm just gonna go now." she cheerfully responded, oddly. As Rose left, I finally asked Kola to repeat herself. "His name is Elijah." she repeated. "And what happened between y'all?" I raised an eyebrow, worried.

"Remember how mom and Kim would have girls night and he would sleep over?" Kola asked. "Mhm." I nodded. "When everyone was sleep he used to sneak into my room and we would...mess around." she quietly explained. "Ew." I put my hands over my ears. "Come on, don't act like that." she whined, while moving my hands from my ears.

"You guys never had sex, right?" I cringed. "No, but we would watch each you know." Kola explained. "Ew, I've heard enough." I complained as I got up. "Stop judging! At least I'm not having sex like some people." she voiced, obviously targeting me. "It feels so good though." I groaned at the thought.

"Keo! Shut up!" Kola frowned. "Sorry." I laughed at her response. A moment of silence took over the conversation briefly. "Wait, what do I tell Carlos?" Kola wondered. "Just tell him Elijah was a guy you used to mess around with a year ago." I suggested. "A year ago?" she repeated in a question.

"Yea, we haven't seen him in like a year- Kola? When's the last time you seen him?" I became suspicious of her. "A few months ago?" she nervously answered. "Good luck telling Carlos that." I mumbled while leaving. "Really?" she gasped and whined. "Really." I voiced.

Kola's POV

I couldn't help but wonder why Keo was interested in my life all of a sudden. We'd barely talked for the past few weeks. This conversation might've been the longest one we've had in a long time. I did miss talking to him though. I guess I should go talk to Carlos...if he's still outside.

I opened the door and saw Carlos sitting on the porch. "Hi." he looked up at me. "Hey." I sat next to him. "I need to tell you something." I nervously admitted. "I'm listening." he sighed. "Elijah is my mom's friend son. Sometimes we used to mess around." I slowly explained. "Mess around how?" Carlos questioned.

Immediately my heart jumped out of my body. "We didn't have sex, if that's what you're asking." I assured him. "Why were you dreaming or thinking about him though?" he asked. "Good question but I don't know. It was very random, even for me." I honestly answered. "Do you still like him or something?" Carlos almost seemed afraid to ask.

"I don't. I can promise you that." I stated. "Kola. I really like you and I want to be able to trust you. Can I? he sincerely asked. Carlos made strong eye contact with me. His eye contact was everything and made me feel like nothing else in the world mattered. "Yes, you can." I spoke, he then leaned in for a hug.

"Wait, so you're not mad at what happened?" I wondered, a little confused. "I'm kind of upset that you were dreaming or thinking of someone other then me but, you're only human. I pray that you never call me by someone else's name again though." he voiced. Carlos then grabbed my face and kissed me. I fucking love him!


As Keo and I walked into our house, our mom stood there smiling with happiness. "What are you so happy about?" I walked over to her, in the kitchen. "You don't remember?" she asked, giving me a hug. "No?" I responded sitting down. "The little get together, reunion thing I'm having!" she cheered with much excitement.

"Yea that. But why are you so happy? It's not until another week." I shrugged. "Yes, but guess who's finally coming?" she smiled."Uh, I don't know." I frowned, not interested. "Aw come on, you didn't even guess." she sighed. "Fine, auntie Pam or cousin Leigh?" I guessed. "Well, yes they're coming but there's someone else." she said.

"Could you just tell me?" I sighed. "It's Kim!" she squealed, waiting for the excitement in return. "Interesting." Keo whispered from a distance. "She's bringing her son too." our mom continued. "Damn." Keo chuckled. "Watch your mouth Keo." our mom scolded. "Okay." he responded, mocking her tone as he walked towards us.

"Come on, I thought you guys would be more excited. Y'all haven't seen them in a year." she explained. "Well, some of us anyways." Keo coughed and tapped my shoulder. "Can you not touch me?" I moved my shoulder away from him. "That's not what you asked Junior or should I say...Elijah." he teased. I immediately kicked his knee.

"Hey! Stop it you two! And what are you talking about Keo?" our mom interfered. "Nothing, he's just tryna get on my nerves." I nervously laughed. "Okay? Well, I'm just gonna go invite some more people." she responded. "Uh mom, we don't need anymore people there." I said while rolling my eyes.

"Uh daughter, we don't need your attitude there." she replied. I heard Keo laughing behind me. I should hit him again. I went up to my room as I panicked. Why does he have to come here? Carlos is gonna be mad at me. I hope Kim cancels or Elijah can't make it. I don't want to make Carlos uncomfortable.

"Knock. Knock." I heard Keo on the other side of my door.

"What?" I swung the door open. He walked in without permission. "Cover for me. I'll be back in a hour or two." he spoke. "Why would I cover for you after that stunt you pulled in the kitchen?" I crossed my arms. "I can pull another stunt and tell mom the whole truth..." he practically threatened.

"Fine! But where are you going? You better not be going to another girls house to fuck." I pointed my finger at him. He smirked in response to my comment. "Keo, I'm serious." I gave him a firm look. "So am I. I have needs to be met." he foolishly spoke. I sighed as I rested my face in my palms.

"What you need to do is stop sticking your thingy in every girl you see before you get someone pregnant or a STI!" I whispered loudly.

"Kola, relax. I wear condoms, if the girl wants me to." he sighed. "Ke- what? You need to wear them every time, especially since you don't have just one sexual partner!" I stated. "Mhm. Yea, cool. Are you gonna cover for me or not?" he questioned, disregarding everything else that was said. I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness.

"I won't say anything to mom. But, you need to use protection." I pushed him out of my room. Is it really that hard for him to control what's in his pants. Carlos didn't seem to be this crazy about sex...right?

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