Chapter 41: Changes

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*Four months later*

Kola's POV

After weeks of going back and forth with my mother, we finally agreed that we'd both take turns watching Keo. He's stays with her some days and with me the others. A few months ago Keo expressed to my mother and I, his relationship with our father and what he's done to him in the past, so Keo wasn't going to stay with him anymore.

Keo was finally getting back on track with school, and he was actually doing better then he was before, we owe that all to Halia. Within these few months, Halia has helped Keo get his drivers permit and achieve a B average in school, which is two grades better then what he used to have. Halia had also managed to get herself a car.

Rose, Alonzo and I were currently getting ready for a little party I was having at my place. "Oh Kola?!" Rose squealed. "Yes?" I answered in a worried tone causing Rose to laugh. "Remember we were younger and I said if I ever had a daughter I would name her Angel?" Rose questioned. "Yea." I nodded. "Well, if I have a daughter I'm naming her that. Isn't it so cute?" she smiled.

"Aw, yes that's adorable!" I clapped. "I know! Wait, you invited your mom?" Rose asked with a questioning look. "Yea, why not? I invited some of my aunts too." I explained. "You sure they want to be around college students?" Rose asked. "I didn't invite the wild ones, only the chill one." I expressed.

"What about Carlos?" Rose smiled. "What about him?" I shrugged. "Did you invite him?" she asked. "I haven't spoken to him in months and I barely see him on campus anymore." I explained. "Oh." Rose responded. "How many people from campus did you invite?" Alonzo asked.

"I don't know, 10 or 15 but I don't think all of them are coming." I answered. "Oh, okay." he nodded. A few seconds later the front door opened. "I don't care what you say, I'm still not letting you!" Halia said while walking in. "Please Halia!" Keo begged, walking in after her. "No! Now stop asking, or you can sleep on the couch tonight." Halia threatened, sitting at the table.

"What are you guys bickering about?" I sighed, walking towards them. "Halia won't let me drive her car." Keo pouted and laid his head against mines. "Halia, don't disappoint the baby." I teased, referring to Keo. "I'm not trying to, I just don't want him driving my car. He can drive somebody else's, but not mines." Halia shook her head.

"Aw." Rose softly voiced, capturing everyone's attention. "What?" I turned to her. "The baby is kicking." she answered, with her hand on her stomach. "Aw." Halia and I smiled. Alonzo and Keo made eye contact with each other, then looked at us like we were crazy. "Do you want to feel the baby?" Rose asked, walking towards Keo. "Uh...maybe later." Keo seemed uncomfortable.

"You always say that and then you never do it. What are you scared's your child." Rose softly explained. "Nothing, I just-" Keo started but was cut off by Rose placing his hand on her stomach. "Do you feel the baby?" Rose smiled. "Yea." Keo nodded. His face lit up with a range of emotions, good ones. "Aw." Halia and I responded to Keo's interaction with his child.

I still can't little brother is a father.


Although I did not invite a lot of people, it seemed like a lot once they were in my apartment. The apartment wasn't small, it just wasn't big. I knew my mom only came to spy on my brother. After all the stuff he's gotten into, I didn't blame her. While my mom was busy following my brother around, my aunts were questioning my boyfriend.

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