Chapter 44: Defense

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Carlos's POV

"I'm still confused on why you didn't answer any of my calls!" my girlfriend, Harley shouted. "I didn't see or hear them." I calmly responded. "You had to because you even declined some of them." she walked up to me. "I don't remember doing that." I sighed. "That's not the point! The point is you still did it and for what reason is what I want to know!" she yelled.

I shrugged in response. "And why the fuck, didn't you come home that night either?" she continued. "I don't fucking know." I finally snapped. "Were you drinking?" she asked. "Huh?" I squinted my eyes. "Were. You. Drinking?" she repeated slowly. "It doesn't matter. I didn't answer your calls and I didn't come home that night, leave it at that!" I shouted, smacking an empty bottle off the table.

"What is wrong with you? Ever since your little high school friend showed up, you've been acting short tempered with me." Harley claimed. "Whatever." I walked away. "I don't like that bitch." she mumbled. I immediately stopped walking. "Don't fucking call her a bitch." I quickly turned around. "She is. So is her little friend, Halia." Harley continued.

"Neither one of them are bitches, so don't call them one." I stated. "Ugh, you defend them more then you defend me. Why does she mean so much to you if she's just an old high school friend?" Harley questioned. "Unless...she was more then a friend." she continued. I looked at her again before walking away. "Is she your ex?" Harley followed me.

"Leave it alone Harley." I told her, continuing to walk away. "Is she?" she shouted. "I said. Leave. It. Alone." I irritatedly responded. "Answer me!" she pulled my arm and turned me around. "Don't fucking touch me." I pulled my arm away. "Then answer my question!" Harley grabbed me again. "Harley. Please stop fucking grabbing me." I said, yanking my arm out of her grip.

"I don't want you hanging around them anymore." Harley crossed her arms. "What?" I sighed with an attitude. "I don't want you hanging around them anymore, especially Kola." she explained. "You can't tell me who to hangout with." I argued. "I'm your girlfriend, so I can tell you who I don't want you hanging around. It's up to you if you choose to respect that, but if you don't we're breaking up." she threatened.

I just stared at her in despair...


Halia's POV

I was in the kitchen when I heard a knock at the door. I walked to the door and opened it. "Hey." Rose greeted, holding Angel and the baby bag. "Hey, I'll go get Keo for you." I responded. "Oh it's fine, I have to go to work so you can just take her to him." Rose handed me Angel. "Uh, Keo is very strict when it comes to who can hold her." I explained.

"Well, I'm her mother and I'm telling you that you can hold her." Rose smiled. I held Angel in my arms and smelled the fresh baby scent. As Rose began explaining things to me, Keo came to the door. He immediately took Angel from my arms, leaving them feeling empty. I sighed before taking the baby bag out of Rose's hand.

"I know you have school tomorrow, so my mom is going to pick her up later and watch her until I get off work." Rose explained. "No." Keo responded. "No?" Rose questioned. "I'll just keep her until you get off." Keo stated. "You know I don't get off until 11 tonight right?" Rose asked. "Yea, and?" Keo shrugged. "Why don't you want my mom to watch her? Your mom helps watch her." Rose explained.

"Yea, because I know my mother. But you're right, she only helps. I never leave Angel with her by herself." Keo argued. "Okay, Keo." Rose rolled her eyes. Rose said bye to Angel in a baby voice before leaving. I walked back to the kitchen and Keo followed me with Angel in his arms. "Can I hold her today?" I softly asked. "I'll think about it." he sighed.

"You know I have a baby brother right? I used to watch him by myself, and nothing ever happened to him." I expressed. "I know Halia, you tell me that every time you ask to hold Angel." Keo smiled. "Oh...I do?" I asked with a confused face. "Yes. Why do you want to hold her so much anyways?" he asked. "Because she's so tiny and cute and smells wonderful." I smiled.

Keo gave me a blank stare. "That's even more reason for me to not let you hold her." he expressed. "Why?" I sighed. "Because she's so tiny, and fragile, and I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to her." he softly said, staring at Angel with glossy eyes. "Okay baby, I understand. But I want you to know, I would never hurt her." I gave Keo a kiss.


I was in the living room talking to Kola. "Did you tell Alonzo about what happened between you and Carlos?" I asked. "No, but he came here when Carlos was here again..." she answered. "Again?" I interrupted her while sitting up on the couch. "You were about to fuck him again? Sober?" I asked with a surprise look. "I don't know, it just happened." she responded.

"Kola. A situation like that doesn't just happen. You have a perfectly functioning brain, so you were able to make a decision about what was going to happen." I explained. "Well, I didn't know Carlos was coming back over." Kola whispered. "Why did he come back over?" I wondered. "He said, he left his phone." she shrugged. "So he came back for his phone...not you." I gave her a look.

"He kissed me first." Kola claimed. "And you kissed him back!" I shouted. "You don't know that." she crossed her arms. "Kola, somebody who has never met you could know that. That's how in denial you are. If you don't admit you still have feelings for Carlos soon, someone is going to get hurt and it might be you." I explained.

"Yea, okay." Kola mumbled. "I'm serious." I emphasized my statement. "Mhm. I'm going to my room so, goodnight." she said. "Goodnight." I smiled. I went to the kitchen and cleaned up a bit. After I finished cleaning, I walked to my room. I opened the door and immediately my heart melted at what I saw.

Keo and Angel were both asleep on the bed. Angel was laid on his chest, with her pacifier in her mouth, and Keo's arms were carefully wrapped around her. When I went to kiss their foreheads, Keo hugged Angel tighter. I then went to put the sheets over them. I decided to stay up so I could hear when Rose came to pick Angel up.

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