Chapter 14: Did You Cheat?

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Keo's POV

"Rose? Is it yours?" Halia looked over at Rose, who was quiet.

"I'm not pregnant." Rose immediately spoke. "So it's yours?" Blue asked. "Yes, but the test was negative." Rose rushed out. "Wait, you told me that you were on birth control." I stated. "I was...I was taking the pills, then I missed a few days." Rose mumbled as she put her head down.

"Question. How many is a few?" Halia interrupted. "I don't know. Every now and then I would forget." Rose explained. "Well, that's not something you can just go around forgetting darling." Kola tone was sarcastic. "Kola...shush." Carlos chuckled. "You guys, that's not funny." Blue spoke. "You're right. I guess you can say I didn't have a positive reaction." Kola held back her laughter.

"KOLA!" Carlos shouted. "WHAT?" Kola shouted back. The two stared at each other before bursting out into laughter. "You guys need some help." Blue sighed. "Maybe we need to take our pills." Kola continued, burying her face into Carlos's shoulder. The two continued laughing while the rest of us stared at them.

"See, I would love to say I'm sorry but, I'd be lying. Just like you and Keo did to me." Kola explained. A tear fell down her face from laughing so much. "We didn't lie, we just didn't tell anyone." Rose stated. "Once again, I am unnecessarily brought into a conversation." I interfered.

"Keo, shut up! Anyways, I wish you the best because that's the type of person I am, but I'm still hurt by your betrayal." Kola expressed. "Well, I'm sorry." Rose apologized once again. "You should be." Kola shook her head. "At least nobody is pregnant." Halia interrupted Kola and Rose. "True." Carlos agreed.

*The Next Morning*

Carlos POV

I woke up to Blue, Rose and Halia laughing and being loud in the kitchen. Kola had fell asleep on top of me and my arms were wrapped around her. My body felt numb. I attempted to slide from under her. "What are you doing?" she whined as she opened her eyes. "Uh, I'm about to go in the kitchen." I answered.

"No, don't leave." she wrapped her arms around me tighter. "Ko, I'm just going to the kitchen to get something to eat." I explained. She immediately let go of me and stood up. "Fine, go!" I sensed attitude as she pulled me off the couch. Kola then laid back on the couch and covered herself with the sheets, including her face.

"Kola, are you mad at me?" I questioned, genuinely confused. "No, I'm not mad Carlos. Go get your fucking food that you want so bad!" she instantly voiced with such attitude. "Did I do something wrong?" I slowly asked. "Nope, you're doing everything perfectly fine." she answered in a sarcastic tone. I sighed while walking away.

"Ouu, look who's up. Carlos." Halia almost teased. "Hey Carlos, what were you dreaming about last night, huh?" Blue laughed. "What are you talking about?" I asked, sitting down at the counter. "Who were you dreaming about?" Blue smiled. "N-nobody" I hesitated. "That's not what I heard." Halia teased as they all laughed.

"Anyways-" I started but Blue interrupted. "Mhm, you were fucking Kola in your dream." Blue added. "Alright stop." I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair. "Also you started squeezing Kola's ass while you were sleeping." Blue continued. "Were you having a little naughty dream about Kola?" Rose asked in a playful baby voice.

"What? No, you guys just miss understood the situation. I'm a gentleman." I explained. "Yea...okay." Halia clearly didn't believe me. I did in fact have a dream about Kola...a very naked one. I didn't mean to, especially since Kola was laying on top of me. Maybe that's what triggered it?

Everyone got quiet when Keo woke up. He walked towards the kitchen. "Oh, Keo did you hear about last night?" Blue asked Keo. "What about last night?" Keo questioned, rubbing his eyes. "Carlos had more fun then we think." Halia giggled. "Ha ha so funny." I glared at them. "I really don't give a fuck." Keo spoke.

"Ew. Someone's a little grumpy." Rose frowned. "Rose, shut the fuck up. Don't you have some pills to go take?" Keo responded, getting annoyed. "Actually no. I have a set time to take them." Rose replied, rolling her eyes. "Well, your set time obviously isn't working." Keo voiced. "You're a piece of shit." Rose fired back.

"Takes one to know one." Keo sighed. "Ugh, you're such a dick." Rose nearly shouted. "Yet you were all on mine." Keo raised his eyebrow. "Woah. Okay guys, let's just calm down." I stood up. Within seconds we all turned our heads at the sound of a thump. "What was that?" Halia asked.

"Where's Kola? She was just on the couch." I stated in a suspicious manner. We all slowly walked towards the living room. "Oh my gosh." Halia covered her mouth. We all stood there and laughed at Kola, who was laying on the floor. "She must've fell off." Halia continued to laugh.

"Wait, we should see if she's okay before we laugh." Blue chuckled. I kneeled down to her. "Um, Kola? Kola, wake up." I lightly tapped her. Kola didn't wake up. I began shaking her shoulder. "Kola, get up." I continued. "Elijah, stop." Kola whined but it sounded quite similar to a moan. Immediately, I stood up.

She gasped and widen her eyes at the realization of me standing over her. "I mean Eli- I mean Carlos." she struggled to speak while sitting up. Everyone else stared at each other in confusion while I stared at Kola. "Hold on, who is Elijah?" I questioned, slight irritation in my voice. "Huh?" Kola tried to look confuse.

"I think you heard me." I firmly spoke. "Elijah? I said Carlos." she nervously smiled. "Not at first. You called me Elijah. Who's Elijah?" I was becoming irritated. "I-I don't remember saying that." Kola stuttered. "Kola listen, that's not what I'm asking you." I explained. "Uh...we'll just leave y'all alone to talk." Halia voiced while pulling the rest of them.

As they all left I stepped closer to Kola. "Can you please just tell me who Elijah is?" I sat on the couch. "No." Kola put her head down. Why was it so hard for her to tell me who this person is? "If you don't tell me, I don't know how or if I can trust you." I expressed in a serious manner. "I can't tell'll be mad." she whispered softly.

"Did you cheat on me? We just started dating." I became worried. "No, I didn't cheat but..." she stopped mid sentence. "But what? Kola, will you please talk to me?" I pleaded. "You're going to be mad." she repeated. "Fine, don't tell me." I got up and walked out of the house.

I sat on the steps, feeling mixed emotions. Kola claimed she didn't cheat but then what else is she afraid to tell me? I wasn't sure of how to feel about the situation. I've always knew I wanted her since day one, but I don't want to get my hurt broken...not already. I just wanted to be sure she wants me as much as I want her...

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