Chapter 47: What's Meant to Be...

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WARNING: Mild sexual language in this chapter.

*One week later*

Halia's POV

Keo and I were in the room playing with angel. It seems like she was a newborn yesterday. She's growing so fast. Although I didn't give birth to her, I felt like she was kind of my child still. "Aw look, I think she has a tooth coming in." I told Keo. "Yea, she's teething." Keo responded with Angel's fingers wrapped around one of his. "She's so cute." I softly smiled. "Yea, she takes after me." Keo spoke.

"Keo shut up. She takes after both you and Rose." I explained. "Whatever. When you and I have children, they'll take after me too. My genes are strong." he teased. "Anyways...wait, you want to have more children? With me?" I asked, feeling happy inside. He shook his head with a small smile. "Aw! Wait, how do you know that for a fact? You're still very young." I paused.

"Yea, but I know what I want." he assured me. "In that case, I want to have your babies." I smirked. Angel began talking in her baby language. "Yes, you're my baby too." I told Angel in a baby voice. "It's lunch time for you." Keo announced. "I already ate- oh you mean Angel. Oops, sorry." I chuckled from slight embarrassment. I looked up and saw Keo staring at me, with a small smile.

"What? Is there something wrong?" I questioned. "No." he laughed. "Then why are you smiling at me?" I asked. "You're just you. I love that about you and I love you." he expressed. "I love you too." I responded while reaching over to hug him. We hugged for a little while then got Angel and headed towards the kitchen. Kola and Rose were in there talking.

"Why did you hit her again?" Rose asked Kola. "Because she made Halia cry." Kola answered. "Don't say it like that. She didn't make me cry. I cried from what she was talking about." I interfered. "Call it what you want. Either way she was the reason for you crying." Kola shrugged. "Anyways, y'all I have some news." I announced. "What is it?" Rose seemed excited.

"I'm pregnant..." I started to say.

"No need to tell us who the father is. It's quite obvious by now." Kola stared at Keo, who just walked back into the kitchen. "What?" Keo was confused. "Why the fuck did you get Halia pregnant? Angel is only six months old and you're not even done high school yet! You really need to start thinking with the right head and stop sticking your little stick in everyone!" Kola shouted at Keo.

"First, my "stick" isn't little-" Keo started. "Yea." I accidentally spoke as I started having flashbacks. Rose looked as if she was going to say something but I quickly interfered. "I would appreciate if you'd erase my boyfriend's body out of your memory, thank you." I expressed to Rose. "Calm down. How many times do I have to tell you I don't want your man? Halia, I don't want your man!" Rose shouted.

"Anyways like I was saying, second, you said "in everyone" but I've had the same sexual partner for the past year. And third, I don't appreciate you unnecessarily yelling at me." Keo continued talking to Kola. "It wasn't unnecessarily." Kola spoke. "Then what was it for?" Keo questioned. "You got Halia pregnant!" Kola shook her head. "Pregnant? What?...Halia!" Keo shouted.

"Yes baby?" I tried to sound innocent. "Can you stop joking around like that with the women in my family? They already think I'm a screw up." Keo said. "This was only the second time." I stated. "Who was the first time?" Rose laughed. "My mother, who chased me around and threatened to disown me." Keo explained. "She was just joking about the disowning part." I laughed.

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