Chapter 2

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Pulling up at the light blue house with two cars in the driveway and perfectly mowed grass, we walked up and knocked on the door. The door swung open and a beautiful brunette woman who looked so beautiful, you wouldn't be able to tell she had 6 kids, Nadia's Mom or aka my mom too.

"Oh My Gosh Faith is that you?" She pulled me in her embrace and I returned it gracefully.

"Yes Ma it's me. Sorry I don't come here often"

"No. Nonsense girl. Get it." She laughed, shooing me and Nadia into the house and Nadia set Nathan on the ground and he started running, falling and got up again laughing it off. Then he ran into Nadia's Father's arms and he began kissing his head, hugging him.

"Hey lil man! Tell your mama to bring you over more." Nathan giggled and Jackson, Nadia's Father, walked up, giving me a hug too.

"It's been a while" He kissed my forehead.

"Yeah I-"

"FAITH!" My name screamed and in seconds two boys jumped into my arms with others around, hugging me repeatedly. Nadia's siblings. 3 boys, ages 5, 7, &9. Then 2 girls ages 11 and 13. And they all wanted a piece of me.

Kissing the two youngest boys' heads, I laughed seeing the pouting faces of the rest. "It's more of me to go around" Setting them down, I crouched and they all gave me a hug. Nadia had a big family. It was 6 total, but two of them had a different father than the others. I see them as my little brothers and sisters since it was only me and Hope. I used to babysit them so much in middle school until I went to college. It was hard because the boys were so young and the others wanted my attention, but I made it work and I loved them all.

"Alright kids. Go on now and take your nephew" Jackson handed Nastasia, 13 year old, Nathan and they all awwed and walked away. Then I was pulled to the table for what I call an investigation.

"Faith, how have you been? What have you been doing these days?" Nora, Nadia's mother, took my hand, excited to know with her big brown eyes.

"I've been good. You know, I haven't been doing much. You know I finished college with a art degree 4 years ago, so I've just been in the house"

" Ooh art. That's good. Do you have any ideas of what you're going to do with that degree? " She added.

" Yeah. Soon I'm going to get into Tattooing and I want to have my own shop in maybe 3 or 4 years. I'm still young so I'm taking my time"

" What about a special someone? " Nora eyed me with a wide smile, ready to hear my answer.

" Ehh. I have my eyes on someone" I smiled and Nadia snickered so I kicked her under the table.

" Whoever it is, if he's smart, he would catch those eyes and wouldn't let them go" She patted my hand and I thanked her, but I knew she was wrong. He would never catch my eye. I've been giving him the eye for years! Especially the fuck me ones. 

Nadia scooted out her chair, slamming her hands on the table softly." Well we have to get going. I'm not being late because of your interview" I started laughing along with Nora, walking to the door.

" I don't work late so you don't have to watch him for long. Here" Nadia handed Nora a $100 bill.

" Wait Nadia-"

" Love you! " Nadia yanked me out the door, slamming it after her. She tends to do that. Her parents would watch him for free, but she always gives them money which they probably just give to the kids anyway.

" I have my eyes on someone. His name is Dante. My sister's husband who I'm forbidden to be with" Nadia giggled, mocking me and I huffed, laying back in my chair.

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