Chapter 33

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2 months later... (Approximately 5 months)

Wow! Time is moving alright. And not on my time. "Oh my God I'm fat!" I laughed out, turning to the side in the mirror. 5 months pregnant... Second trimester whew! I was already on my second trimester, but it still gets me. Xavier came around the wall, hugging me from behind, rubbing my stomach. "You aren't fat. You're pregnant and beautiful." He turned my head, softly pecking my lips. I haven't gotten so used to my new stomach. It's bigger than before. I didn't really like it because I liked being on top during sex and I knew, I wouldn't be able to without struggle. It was still funny to me though. I liked the perks of being pregnant though! Especially the full breasts! My breasts were already big, but like babyyyy!

Xavier took notice and he built an obsession towards them, abandoning my ass.

Speaking of Xavier. He was going back to LA tomorrow and I hated it. I've gotten so used to seeing him every single day these past 2 months. We haven't been arguing as much either, more of the opposite. Comforting one another when we had to deal with Dante's complicated ass. I got so used to seeing him everyday when I wake up, that it's going to be so weird not to. I'm going to miss my 24/7 belly rubs and kisses too. I think Haven will also. We still haven't found a house because Xavier wants to be so damn picky. He wanted a lot of things to be able to be installed as well. He didn't know, though, that I was going to pay for the house. It would be our couple's gift. Xavier is so stuck on wanting to pay for everything for me and Haven but I haven't touched my bank in months and I didn't think it was going to be fair to him. I always tried to keep things cheap though but he will complain and say no and pay for something more expensive which I hate. Which is why I'm going to buy the house and piss him off. He'll be okay though.

"Babe my jacket" He pulled it on my arms, kissing my cheek. Today I went to class on Dante day! Don't get me wrong, Dante is a pain in the ass but he isn't every single day which makes going to classes with him easier. Xavier still didn't like it to this day and kept insisting I go with him, but I kept turning it down. I'm with Xavier all day when I'm not with Dante. I just want to allow Dante to be a part of my pregnancy because it's his baby.

I felt a little heavier now because of my weight and my stomach's weight from the baby. I didn't have long legs so I kind of felt like all that weight was just sitting on them all the time which is why I had leg cramps. Xavier always made sure I was stretching my muscles and made sure I didn't stand for so long. It wasn't a severe thing, but Xavier was dramatic and I wasn't going to complain.

Putting my seatbelt on, I laid on Xavier's shoulder putting his hand over my stomach. It's been a while since Xavier even let me drive my own car. My Mercedes has just been sitting in the parking lot for the past 4 months of my pregnancy. He doesn't allow me to drive anywhere on my own. When he's not here, I don't even have to go out to get anything because I already have anything from the time he was here. I've made Xavier into a homebody just like me.

A little movement pulled me out of my thoughts and I laughed looking up at Xavier.

"You felt that?" I raised my shirt up, feeling his hand constantly massage me. Then we felt it again. It wasn't like one of those huge baby kicks that get every parent hyped up, it was like a subtle movement. It made me happy though. "Just give me some more time and you'll be out soon Haven" I smiled, laying back down.

" Yeah and I'm going to be right there taking the video so your stupid Dad don't get in his feelings." Xavier chuckled, kissing my forehead.

The day we were decorating the nursery, Xavier told me to let Dante be in the delivery room, but in the end I decided against it. It's not really fair to Dante because that's his child, but just because that's his child, I'm not obligated to let him do anything. I'm not obligated to let him be a part of my pregnancy, be a part of her life, or be in the delivery room while I'm doing the hardest and the most important thing in my life that I have ever done. I just honestly don't want him in the delivery room. Dante has been a little bit better, but it doesn't change the fact that Xavier has been there more so it's only fair he gets to see her when she's out. A lot of mothers or a lot of people will probably judge me on this, but the child is in my stomach, I get to choose who I want in the delivery room. It just makes more sense anyway, we've already been planning to make our labor bag just in case we do have to rush to the hospital. Because I know this is my first child and all, but I'm going to have a big enough house that I want to have a home birth, but because this is also my first child I am not going to be expecting myself to be able to do it, so I know I need to have a labor bag on deck just in case if I do need to go to the hospital.

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