Chapter 12

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Sighing in bliss, I slid in my hot bubble bath, closing my eyes. It felt so good. I couldn't believe I even moaned out Dante's name with someone else. That is so fucked up. Apparently they didn't seem to notice or seem to care though since I was drunk. I could see reality for what is. I'm in love with Dante, but he didn't love me. That I ultimately betrayed my sister and slept with her husband. And then Dante had feelings for me.

I mean I'm sure me and Hope would get back okay if she ever did find out. Our bond isn't fragile. Maybe me and Dante could work? I can give him more than what Hope can anyway. I could give him the best sex and a family. What am I saying? He doesn't want anything with me but sex.

Knock! Knock!

I groaned, hearing the door being knocked on. I just needed some peace and quiet.

Getting up, water and soap dripped down from my body, and unlocked the door. Nadia walked in, eyes bulging when she saw me and then she began laughing.

"Next time Dante yells at me, I'ma beat his ass" She threw my bag on my bed and I wrapped myself in my towel, rolling my eyes"

" Why was he yelling at you? "

" Because I didn't know where you were" She shrugged and I scoffed, not caring.

"What are you going to do when Hope comes back tomorrow?" She asked and I shrugged.

"If Dante doesn't bring it up, then neither will I" I'm not going to be the burden of bad news especially when I have to give her bad news already. Nadia nodded her head in agreement. "So where's Nathan?"

"With his Dad" I rolled my eyes.

I hated that asshole. His name was Nathaniel. I call him a man whore. Running around having sex with anything that had long legs and a pussy. They're not together because he was cheating and guess who caught him? Me. He threatened me not to tell her but being the bad bitch I am, I did anyway and they broke up. They are just co-parenting. "Don't say a word" She said , looking up at me. I didn't even say anything...

"You need to worry about your own situation" I didn't like her tone and how she was talking to me. I had to double back at her to see did he really say that? Hold the hell up...

"Girl, who are you talking to?" Because can't be talking to me. Nadia stood up, turning her head like she was offended or something. "You Faith. You're always worried about someone else in their business when you should worry about backstabbing your own twin sister, sleeping with Dante and being in love with him"

Now she pisses me off. I told her that out of comfort and because she was my best friend and now she's going to throw it back in my face? And judge me? She obviously ain't a real friend. "Bitch don't fucking worry about who I'm in love with. At least I love a good man while you're in love with a bitch ass man that fucks anything he sees" Tuh. I don't know where she is getting her anger from, but she better take two steps back.

" At least he is single and not married to my goddamn sister" She crossed her arms, rolling her neck. "I had feelings way before they were even talking, let alone together and you know that. How dare you judge me?!"

"I'm not judging you. I'm just saying don't be giving off those disgusted faces when I bring up my baby daddy name. You're in love with someone who isn't yours so you have no disgusting faces to make at anyone but you" Alright. I'm done. I'm going to beat her ass, best friend or not if she doesn't get out of my damn hotel.

" Nadia get the fuck out. I fucking confided in you because you are my friend and your throwing it back?! It's not my fault you're in love with a man whore!"

" And it's not my fault you are a whore!" I froze. And I tensed. And then my jaw started clenching and my fists. " Wait Faith I-" I punched her. Damn right I did. She fell back and I grabbed her by her hair, opening my door and dragging her out. I threw her and she stood up, tears down her face.

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