Chapter 20

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Next Day

Bang Bang! Bang!

Oh my fucking Gosh! "I'm awake! Stop it!" I yelled at whoever was banging on my door. "Faith open the door!" I heard Hope's voice and threw my blankets off, slamming the door open. Then she freaked. "What the hell?! Why aren't you dressed?!"

Huh? I looked over at my clock and bit my lip. Oops. It was 1:30. I was supposed to be up by 1 because we were leaving by 2 and Nadia and her wanted to go bathing suit shopping. We had some already but Hope just wanted the boys to spend time together and the girls to spend time together. "Sorry. I slept in"

I closed my door, running and taking my clothes off at the same time, heading for the bathroom and turned it on. "Don't nobody want to see all that!" Hope yelled from out of the room and I began laughing. Hell you've seen it before! On you shit. I took my hair out the bun, washing it out as well. Stepping out of the shower, I wrapped the towel around my body. "Hey Hope can't we-" I froze mid-sentence when I wasn't seeing a Hope on my bed, but a Dante. I ran to my door, locking it before she walked in.

" Dante what the hell? You need to get out now" I whispered, yelling.

"No. I can't wait anymore. I need to touch you, Faith." Is this man CRAZY?!

"Dante. No. Hope can come back any minute" He stood up off the bed, walking up to me. " She's on the other floor, checking on Xavier. We have what 5 minutes? Can I at least get a kiss? " Just kill me now. I pushed him out the way.

" Are you still having sex with him? " He asked, turning around, looking angry. "Don't worry about it" Hell I'm not even sure. He said just friends but that kiss yesterday said otherwise. I moved, grabbing my bag and he ripped my towel off, pushing me on the bed, pinning my hands down. To make matters worse he started kissing my naked body!

"Baby you're so beautiful. And sexy... And gorgeous..."

"Dante moved. I'm serious" I glared at him and he grinned. "I'm serious to... About you" He leaned down, claiming my lips and I couldn't help but kiss him back. He pulled away, kissing down my stomach and reached my thighs. "No Dante we don't have time for that" I closed my legs shut. He held my hands up with one of his, using his other to pull my thighs apart.

"Then I suggest you cum quickly " He smirked, lowering his head down. "Dante-... Ohh" I laid my head back moaning when I felt his big flat, wet tongue over my clit.

He released my hands, gripping my thighs, burying his face deeper and I gripped his hair, but it only made him more excited.

"Ah...Dante" His tongue danced around and around, harder responding to my moans. It gets harder to control the loudness of my moans as he starts flicking his tongue across my clit, dragging it over.

I heard my knob being jiggled and I covered my mouth, muffling my moans. "Faith?" I heard her voice. I tried to move, but Dante wouldn't stop. "I-I'll be out in a... Minute"

"Okay. Meet us downstairs" I heard the clanking sounds of her heels fade and then I shrieked out with pleasure as I came. My body writhe around his tongue and he licked his lips, moaning to himself. "Good girl" He leaned over me, pressing his lips against mine. I blew out a breath, shaking my head. I hate him. He moved back and turned to walk away, when I lifted up, grabbing his arm. I pulled him to the bathroom and slammed mouthwash on the sink.

"You're not kissing my sister with that mouth" I crossed my arms and he began laughing. "You are so... different. You sure do care what I do with Hope, but you don't care that you are sleeping with her husband.." I rolled my eyes as he poured the mouthwash in.

" 30 seconds. Hold it" His eyes grew huge, but he kept it in alright. Gurgling and all.

" Spit" He didn't waste a second to do that.

Hidden Fate[✓]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora