Chapter 22

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Next Day... 3am

I jerked awake, to the frantic shaking of my arm and relaxed when I saw the woman.

"I just didn't want you to miss this flight" She said and I thanked her, rubbing my eyes. I laid back in my seat and watched more people come in. Then soon enough she called for the flight and I was the first one up, handing her my passport. I walked on this plane, feeling empty. Well not empty since I have a human being in my stomach.

I stood on my tippy toes a little, putting my bag up, when I felt someone rub against me, their hand on my hip. I moved and pushed him back as he held his hands up.

"Sorry. An accident" He didn't seem like he was sorry. "Next time ask me to move Asshole" He grinned as I turned around, sitting in my seat. Then he sat right next to me. "Move. That's my man's seat" It's always smart to bring a man in the conversation.

He looked around then winked at me, laying back. "I don't see him. You're a sexy thang aren't you? Feisty to... Hmm what's your name?"

"You're in my seat" A man heard from behind us and we looked up. The man was tall and definitely bigger and buffer than the bastard in the seat. "I don't think so. Move along" He sighed and turned his attention back to me. "Okay let me rephrase this. I don't think my girlfriend appreciates you being in her face. Your breath probably smells like ass and that's why she's looking at you like that '' He laughed and I laughed out loud.

The man stood up, trying to stand the taller one, but it was pretty obvious he wasn't going to win that battle. "Whatever. She ain't that pretty anyway" He grabbed his bag, moving out the way. Then the man put his bag up, sitting down next to me. At least someone decent. "Hey thanks"

"No problem. Assholes right?" He grinned as I laughed softly.

" Oh I apologize. Nicholas" He held out his hand and I shook it. " Faith"

" Well Faith, I think I need some Faith in my life" He laughed at his corny joke as did I.

" So going home or going on vacation? Georgia doesn't seem like the ideal vacation area but everyone's different" He laid back in his seat, smiling. " Back home" I shrugged.

" Ohhh someone was visiting a special someone? A boyfriend maybe? " His smile grew, and I tilted my head, noticing something different about him. " I'm gay" He laughed, clarifying it. "Yeah I figured. But no, I am single" Unfortunately...

" You're lying!" He pulled back, narrowing his eyes. "No, I'm completely serious. I'm single" I snickered.

" What? You? Young, beautiful, thick and juicy, is single? With the cake on you? WOW." I shook my head in amusement, why does it seem so easy to talk to him?

" And you sir? Going to see a boyfriend? " I wiggled my eyebrows, making him smile.

" I am actually. First time. Long distance shit"

" That's good. How long have you guys been talking? If you don't mind me asking... "

" 7 months" He responded and my eyes grew.

" 7 months?! Over the phone? Wow" long distance relationships are really weird to me, because all you do is talk to each other on a screen or see each other through a screen and send someone up close really captures how good someone looks.

" Yeah I never had time to visit but I got off work... Hey I don't mean to be rude but I will put some makeup on that" He raised his finger, referencing my eye and I turned my face. " Oh no. I'm not saying you look bad or anything. You know most women cover up their bruises. I just said something because I didn't think you noticed" He quickly apologized. I like him.

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