Chapter 10

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Emptying my dresser out in a hurry, I threw on some random clothes, filling up my duffle bag with clothes. I picked up my phone and dialed Nadia fast.


"Pick me up. Now"

I hung up, slamming my door open, running downstairs, not sparing him a glance. All he would do is apologize over and over about he can fuck me but not be with me. Pfft. I knew I was in the wrong, but so was he for even thinking about fucking me again.

Ha! I was so stupid for thinking he would give up 4 years of love for Hope, for me even if we were always closer way before they even got together, before Hope told him he had a crush on him. I ran down the street, not wanting to stand near the house longer than needed. I saw Nadia and she drove up. I got in the car quickly saying drive. Nadia didn't ask any questions, she just drove away. I laid my head on the window, calming my breathing, recalling the events before me. I was angry. But mostly hurt.

How dare he have sex with me again?! Knowing who I was and then not want to be with me?

Hours later...

We were in the house and I still haven't said a word to Nadia. I just laid on her lap, staring off into nothing, sobbing while Nadia brushed my hair. I just couldn't believe what he said. That he needed me... That everything was true and yet he couldn't give up Hope for what he really wanted and needed. I was crushed between happy he said it, and hurt that he didn't choose me.

"Faith you shouldn't have had sex with him..." I lifted my head up, eyes wide.

"How did you know?" I sniffled, wiping my face and she tapped on my neck, on my hickey and I sniffled covering it up.
"Faith you have to tell Hope. She's your sister" I shook my head no. Hope was already talking about leaving me and when she finds out she can't have kids, she will need me more than ever and adding on this secret will do her no good.

"Hope can't have children" I sighed and Nadia asked what? Then I told her about what the doctor said and she sighed with sadness. Her mood just went lower and lower as I spoke about what happened between me and Dante and how mad he was, leaving out the tricking part.

" When she finds out, someone needs to be there for her even if it's her backstabbing sister. " I cared less about betraying Hope, Hope knew way before her and Dante even got together that I had a crush on him.

" If he weren't going to be with you, why did he have sex with you?" She asked and I laughed softly, sniffling.

" Well he didn't realize until the morning who I really was. I tricked him thinking I was Hope. And I don't give a damn about your judgemental opinions, so don't voice them" I huffed.

" Faith why can't you find someone else? Why does it have to be Dante?" I shrugged, ignoring her. I didn't want to give the real reason, because saying it out loud only hurts me more.

" It's not just feelings is it? " She pushed on, but I still ignored her and then she sighed with knowing. " You're in love with him"

" How long?"
"4 years" I replied. " But I've been having feelings ever since I was 13." I added and she shook her head, groaning.

" And 9 years later and you love him"

" It's not my fault. We've been friends for so long. We've always been around each other Nadia. You don't choose who you love. It's not where you stick your hand in a bowl, pull a card and put it back when you don't like what's on it" I rolled my eyes, sitting him.

" Maybe it's time you move out. You need to let these feelings pass and move on" She suggested, brushing my hair back. I were already planning to. I can't stay in the house with him now anyway. Not after that.

"I'm going to just get a hotel until I find a real house" I shrugged. "You can stay with me until then" I shook my head no.

"I'm sure I will be having casual hookups to keep my mind off things and you have a baby" I laughed and she began laughing, raising her hands up in defeat.

"Well girl. Quit moping around and get dressed because we are going out" She pulled my arms, pulling me off the couch, what did I do to deserve a best friend like her?

I ran upstairs into Nadia's shower. Then Nadia hopped in with me. It wasn't anything weird or anything other than innocent. We usually did this when the other didn't like waiting on the other to get out the shower.

"Stop kissing my ass with your ass!" Nadia laughed and I pushed her into the water, stepping out. "Faith take that damn dye out your head" She groaned and I started doing just that, going back to my natural hair color. It took some time, but it worked out. I blow dried my hair, moisturizing it like usual and I put half up and half down. We both threw on some tight, short dresses on purpose just so my ass could hang out. This time I don't care.

Walking in the club, many eyes were on us. Eyes traveling up and down my body. Even women looked which I had no issue with. We walked straight to the bar though.
"Hey two something strong!" Nadia laughed and the man nodded his head. He slid them and I reached for my wallet when he said someone already paid for them.

"Well if they're paying, bring us more rounds!" Nadia laughed, downing her drink and I did the same.

Shots after shots is what we did... I honestly didn't hold liquor really well and I didn't care. I just wanted to get drunk and hookup with someone later on. To get my mind off my real issues. "Come on" Nadia pulled my arm, leading us to dancefloor where multiple lights swung around and many people danced to the beat. Nadia went low, sexily dancing against me grinding her ass in a funny but sexy way. We giggled most of the time, feeling each other's bodies.

Nadia hands traveled over me and then up, grabbing a handful of my titties, squeezing them making us both burst into a fit of laughter.

I felt a hand grip my ass and I turned around, almost unbalanced, smirking at the tall glass of vodka in front of me. Not ugly, which is good for me. I leaned in and he leaned down so I could whisper in his ear.
"You want to dance?" He nodded his head and I looked over at Nadia who were already being stolen away from me. I turned around in the man's arms, wrapping my arms from behind, around his neck. I literally wasted no time moving my ass against him. Feeling the liquid courage, I bent over hearing, pushing my ass back on him, hearing him curse under his breath.

Grinning, I turned around, pulling him down, my tongue instantly sliding in his mouth.

Soon enough we were in his Chevrolet suburban in the back seat going at it. I didn't feel nearly as great as I did with Dante, but I didn't care. I pulled his pants down, lifting my dress up when he stopped me. He grabbed a condom and I started to lay back as he slid the condom on, sliding between my legs.

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