Chapter 27

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Next Day

I jumped out the bed, running to the restroom quickly, lifting up the toilet letting my morning sickness free. Which I really hate. Honestly what is the point of morning sickness other than to torture women with the disgusting taste in their mouth! Ugh!

I felt my hair being lifted up and then a hand rubbing on my back. "Get out" I groaned. It Was bad enough I got to see it. I don't want him to see it. He didn't get out though, he leaned down, kissing my shoulder. I flushed the toilet, sitting on the top with my head down. Then he gave me a damp towel and I wiped my mouth. "Do you feel better?" He crouched down, holding my hands.

"I'll feel better after I wash my mouth and I can kiss you" I sighed as he snickered and kissed my cheek. "Go on then" He walked out and I got up, turning the water on , running the toothbrush under the hot water for a couple seconds. I don't know why I do that, I just feel safer for some reason.

After spitting out the mouthwash that really burned the shit out of my cheeks, I started smelling something very delicious, but something else smelled bad! When I walked into the kitchen, I covered my nose. Eggs... Ugh! I knew it. "Xavier I can't eat eggs"

He turned around from hearing my voice and he started laughing. "I know, baby. They are for me not for you." He set the plates on the table and I moved mine to the other chair, when he pulled it back to his. "C'mon sit" I know one day his legs are just going to start hurting from my fat ass sitting on his lap. I sat down anyway though, pecking his lips.

He had given me grits instead of eggs.

"How did you know?"

"I don't know. I just remember my mother telling me how she hated eggs when she was pregnant with me so I thought it was just a common thing" He shrugged amusingly and I shook my head. The toast looks really good. And he put jelly on it for me!

"Do you feel okay?" He had to ask that as soon as I bit into my toast? Worst timing ever. I put my finger up for him to wait and he snickered in response.

"Yeah. I'm good"

The entire time up until he finished eggs I was mad because the smell was really pissing me off. But I also was mad because they probably tasted real good but the smell kept me away from it. He kept laughing but I kept telling him it wasn't funny. Then I snatched his last bacon and stuffed it into my mouth. His mouth dropped, then he poked out his bottom lip. "Mmm so good" I kissed his bottom lip, laughing. But I got real serious when he took my sausage off my plate. "No Xavier gave it back. Don't fucking play with me" He bit into it and I went to snatch it but he held it up away from me.

" Xavier, give it back! "

" You ate my bacon"

" Okay so?! Give it to me! "

I started standing up when he moved and stuff it into his mouth. Then the tears fell. That was my sausage...

" Baby are you serious? It's just a sausage"

I mean if anyone understood just how much I love food, now I'm pregnant I just feel like the hormones plus my love for food just made me cry. I ran into the room, slamming the door. I covered my entire body with the cover, silently crying to myself. The door opened and he slid behind me, pulling the blanket off my shoulder so he could kiss it.

" Baby stop being dramatic. It's just a sausage. I can make another one" I sniffled and Ignored him.

" Faith get up"

" Leave me alone Xavier"

" C'mon I'm sorry"

" Sorry isn't going to bring it back"

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