Chapter 23

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Next Day

"Just like me..." I sighed, watching the blonde strip in front of Trey Songz. Betraying her best friend... like I did Hope. Oh well at least Trey is worth it. I took another scoop of Ice cream in my mouth, re-watching Texas Chainsaw for like the 100th time in my life. The movie isn't even scary anymore but I like getting mad when Trey dies. It was lunch time in the afternoon and I'm watching a scary movie eating ice cream. I had to, everything else I usually ate,  smelled very weird so I stuck it with ice cream.
It was even more weird to me that I was pregnant and I didn't know. I mean you wouldn't even be able to tell because I wasn't even showing, let alone showing symptoms. Luckily I wasn't drinking or my baby would have been dead by now. Pausing the movie, I threw the ice cream in the trash, getting up to wash my hands. After I did, drying them off, I walked back, stopping when I heard the knocks.

Knock! Knock!

I just imagine what if I was showing and how I will waddle to the door. I started laughing at the thought, unlocking my door and opening it. Then my smile dropped when Xavier came into view. I didn't have a chance to speak before I was pulled into a hug, him saying I'm okay repeatedly. I pushed him back though, anger filled.
"I moved hotels for a reason. How did you find me?" I crossed my arms and he held up my debit card in his hand.

"I called it to see where you last used it. Which was here..." I snatched it from him, thanked him sarcastically and slammed the door, but he put his foot through the door.
"Why are you mad at me?" He asked, pushing the door back open, stepping inside.
He really just ask me that? I pushed him back, on the door and punched him in the chest, holding my knuckles there.

"Oh I'm sorry. Yesterday I spent a long time at the airport. Why? Because you guys decided to leave me. Xavier Leave me? By my fucking self? I could have got snatched or something. Oh you know what else? A stupid creepy man was fucking with me but no one was there but a gay man, who didn't even know me by the way, stood up for me because my so-called family wasn't there. So I'm fucking sorry I'm supposed to be happy about seeing you" Stupid idiot.

" I didn't even know she left you Faith. None of us did. We were in two different cars and we left before she did. We didn't even find out until we landed! I've been calling you over and over. You could've fucking called back or text me and say you was fine. You don't know what shit was going on through my head. I was worried" He slapped my hand off, towering over me.

I just scoffed." Yeah. Worried. I bet you were. Now get out"

" No don't you dare do that. Don't fucking do that Faith. I was worried about you don't you even try to hint that I don't give a fuck about you because your sister? Nadia?, Dante ? They don't give a fuck about you!"

" Okay I get It Xavier. You care so much. Thank you for my card. Thanks for checking in. Now can you go?" I honestly just wanted him to leave so I can go ahead and get on my bed and cry, but I couldn't do that if he was standing right here!

" Faith I'm leaving for LA tomorrow..." He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

" Good for you" I shrugged. Am I supposed to care? He leaving me anyway so what?

" Faith I want us to be a good terms." He grabbed my arms, rubbing his hands up and down them. But I pushed his hands off.
I like his touch too much.

"It doesn't matter if we are or aren't. You're leaving and that's that. Stop acting like you want anything to do with me anymore because you and I both know you don't." Who would?

"No I do. But you make it so fucking hard. Do you not care who you hurt? You hurt your sister, me, you hurt yourself. Was he worth it? All this bullshit?" I turned around, putting my hand up, not wanting to talk about this again.

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