Chapter 24

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Next Day...

The minute I woke up, my dad called me. Like he was a goddamn person seeing the future or some shit. And he told me I better be at Hope's house before he does and you know what I said.

I'm grown and I don't feel like it

Probably the worst thing to say to your Dad. And he said... Don't be there and see what happens. So now I'm back to being treated like a child. I honestly didn't want to go because I knew it would be nothing but arguing and arguing and now that I'm pregnant, I really don't need that type of stress. But I did take his little threat to heart though because I honestly had no idea what he could do if I didn't go. So here I was, annoyed and tired, getting dressed.

Just some sweatpants and a loose sleeve shirt. The downside of having DD's is I feel like if I don't wear a bra for one day they're going to hang and I don't like that so I'm always wearing a bra unless I'm sleeping naked. Putting my hair in a bun, my phone rang again. Huffing, I grabbed it with anger, but the anger was replaced when I saw it was just Xavier, face timing me. And I answered it.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Oh please stop the lies. I look anything but beautiful right now" Literally. Me in the morning is what I call a disaster. "Shut up Faith, If I say you're beautiful then you're." beautiful.

" What do you want?"

" Jesus, I just wanted to call you. I wanted to start off my morning by hearing your voice. We just landed in LA" I rolled my eyes. I will never be okay with him being in LA.

" You look sleepy."

" I am. The entire flight my manager was keeping me up. Turns out they wanted me to be team captain" That's great why does he sound so off about it? "That's good Xavier"

"I guess it's good, but I feel iffy about it because I'm a newcomer, coming to play for them and they are already  trying to place me as team captain. That's going to cause a lot of issues between me and the team" all I got here was the team was going to be jealous...

"They'll be fine when they start winning them games with crazy scores and then they will have no choice but to accept you" I shrugged. So easy! He just shrugged.

" Have you thought about what I asked?" I huffed, hating that subject too. " I don't know yet. I mean I'm not going anytime soon. I know I'm way too early in the pregnancy to even check the gender and it's still too early to even get an ultrasound that would confirm the pregnancy. I'll just wait a few weeks and then I'll see." I know with pregnancy it's all about waiting because you don't just get pregnant as soon as you have sex.

He sighed, laying his head on the car window. " Hey if you're busy the day I go get an ultrasound, please do not try to blow off whatever you're doing because it is not your baby and that will be fucked up" I knew how Xavier was. And he always told me he will literally drop anything for me. And even if that's a good thing, it's not his baby for him to be trying to drop stuff to be there.

"Faith Shut up. As far as I'm concerned you're both my babies even if you're not my babies" My smile turned into a frown. "Xavier honestly you're way too good of a man to even still want to talk to me let alone still want to be with me. Just stop being so friendly because we both know I don't deserve it"

"Faith, please just stop talking. I swear everything that comes out of your mouth is just nonsense. Are you okay?"

" Eeh." I shrugged. " Spill it" He is like Nadia in that way, but I shook my head no. " You need to get situated and everything."

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