Chapter 11

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Next Day

Hearing my phone ringing, I groaned, moving my arm to the side, looking for it and then I found it, holding it up to my ear.

"Where are you?" Dante's voice boomed through the phone, making me pull it away from my ear.

I raised up, fluttering my eyes, looking around. I was in a hotel. Huffing, I rolled my eyes. "Don't worry about where I am. I'm fine"

"Check your messages" He said and I did just that. I sent a video? I clicked on it, seeing nothing, just a black screen, so I turned my volume up and I covered my mouth with shock once I heard it. It was clear I was having sex, but I was moaning and screaming Dante's name Instead. Ugh!

A bit shocked and embarrassed, I quickly deleted the video, smacking my forehead.

"Okay whatever" I groaned.

"Faith, where are you?" He asked again, his voice sounded a little deeper. "Not with you" I grinned and hung the phone up. I stood up and my headache hit me causing me to be dizzy and nauseous. Using the bed to hold me up, I noticed a paper on the nightstand and read it...

I didn't know where to take you or where you lived, so I just got you to this hotel. I had fun yesterday. Sleep well.

I internally laughed at the thought, setting it back down. That was...nice. I grabbed my phone and dialed Nadia and she answered, destroying my eardrums in the process...

"Where the hell have you been?! Where are you FAITH?!"

"Shhh. I just woke up. Hey...I need you to do me a favor"

"What is it?" She grumbled with frustration.

" I need you to bring my bag to my hotel. I'm going to stay here for the time being." I sat back down, laying my head back on the pillow and she agreed, hanging up. She searched around for her wallet, finding it and walking out the room, downstairs, almost tumbling.

I got to the receptionist and she looked at me like I was a broken drunk, well I was a drunk just not broke.

"Hey... Um I want your most luxurious room please" I smiled and she nodded. "Just put three weeks on there. I'll pay if I go over. I can pay now" She nodded her head. " How are you paying?"

I went through my wallet and pulled out bills. I just put a bunch on the table. " That should cover it right?" I laughed softly and she gulped then took it, nodding her head.

" Here you go ma'am. Last room top floor" I nodded my head and took the card she gave me and went off to the elevator. The elevator did nothing to help my headache, it worsened it and I held back to puke.

Once I saw the light number on 12, the top floor, it opened and I ran to my room, unlocking the door and jumping on my bed.

Dante's POV

Pacing back and forth, worried, panicking as I continued to call Nadia's phone. Faith wouldn't answer and neither would she. I knew she wasn't in the right mind right now especially since she was drunk and I had no idea where she was. "Dante stop calling me!" Nadia finally picked up and I cursed under my breath, relieved.

"Where is Faith?" I asked. It was a little pause and then she responded. "She's asleep." That had to be bull. "Put her on," I said.

"She has a hangover Dante. She doesn't want to be bothered. Why the fuck do you care anyway? Weren't you the one who fucked her and didn't want to be with her? You Asshole"

"Nadia where the fuck is Faith?!" I raised my voice. I cared less in what the fuck she had to say or feel. She doesn't understand my situation. "I don't know!"

I took a deep breath, gripping my hair.

"How the fuck do you not know? You were with her" See that's why I hate Faith doing this shit. Nadia don't give a fuck about her.

" We were drunk, Dante. She went with a man. She's probably there with him now" I knew she was with a man from the video she sent me, and that just made me worried. I had to start laughing at the situation. "Nadia you are a fucked up best friend for letting her go somewhere with a man, drunk knowing full well what could happen"

" And you're a fucked up best friend for pouring a bucket of water on her feelings" I hung up, frustrated and annoyed with her. Nadia just knows everything.

I knew what I did was wrong. I should have never had sex with her again and gave her false hope, but I couldn't help myself. I'd be lying if I said I never felt anything for Faith. I always have, but Hope told me first and I ended up with her, in love with her. So when I found out it wasn't Hope, but Faith, I knew I was fucked and would have to tell Hope that I had sex with her sister, but then Faith was saying so many things to me. So many words that I knew were true but so badly I didn't want to believe them. Being with Faith and Hope felt like two different things. With Hope I was less of myself. I was very dominant, but Hope wasn't really into the dominant, rough things and I didn't mind because Hope is my wife. I am supposed to please her.

But with Faith, I could be myself. Faith liked it, loved it all. It was harsh to say but I am settling with Hope. Settling for less than what I really want with her. Because truly, I knew I wanted Faith all along. But I learned to adjust with Hope and adjust to being just Faith's brother or her best friend. It's always hard especially when she is very in love with her body. She doesn't like showing it off where she looks like a 'hoe', as she say, but Faith is just to sexy for me not to notice.

I was way more mad at myself though. I made Faith feel like she needed to change herself, change how she acted and look more like Hope because she wanted me to notice. Because I made her feel like she wasn't good enough or wasn't worth my attention and she was. She always was but when you're married, you can't exactly show that off. You have to turn that attraction off I had to every single day. But when I saw that made it worse. Not only was she having sex with a random man, she was moaning out for me. I just felt awful as a husband and as Faith's friend or whatever she wants to call me.

Sighing, I dialed Faith again. And she answered. Quickly I stood on my feet, relieved. "Where are you?"

"Don't worry about where I am. I am fine" I could practically hear the hangover in her voice. She wouldn't tell me where she was though.

" Not with you" And then the phone hung up. Ugh! Fuck! That's probably one thing I'm not sure if I love or hate, she's so childish. Damn.

If I paid attention to her body and her actions, we would have never been in this situation. I don't know how to tell Hope, I don't know where Faith is and everything is just crashing down on me.

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