Meeting Reki and Langa

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"Promise me that if you are ever about to die, don't lie around like me. I don't want you to follow me, but if dying is the only thing you have left, then die doing something that makes you feel alive." 


*Beep beep beep! Be- click*

"Huuuh, I get so anxious hearing that.
It's time to survive another day." Thought y/n, putting on her school uniform and pulling at the jacket sleeves for comfort.
A friend of her parents moved to Japan, and their friend had a son, y/n had to show him around the school since her parents said they'd get along.

Y/n hesitated making friends, there was just this uncomfortable feeling.

She walked to school, and went to her classroom, knowing the new "friend" would arrive soon.
She sat down quietly in front of a familiar red head, who had a cast today for some reason.
Y/n, wanting to show she cared, decided to ask, "Are you alright?" To the red head sketching in his notebook.
The Reki looked up, and immediately grinned.
"Yeah I'm ok! Thanks for asking."

Three boys then bombarded the conversation, asking if he got in a fight, one asked about his drawings and the boy immediately asked if they wanted to see.
She was familiar with Reki, because he had the same aura of a familiar person she missed, so she wasn't familiar with the others.
They turned away, y/n felt bad and curious, so she asked if she could look. Reki smiled and turned to her after groaning about the other guys, and they looked at the sketches until the bell ring.
The boy she waited for then entered the classroom, her parents told her that he was tall with light blue longish hair. He was tall alright.

The parents must've said they'd be good friends because the blue haired boy, "Langa", was just as quiet as her.
After class was over, y/n did her part and talked to the boy, showing him around the school, they didn't converse per say, but she merely named out each room they passed by. Langa must've started trusting her a lot at that point, because he then asked if she could show him some places to get a job after school.

She reluctantly obliged, after weighing the pros and cons.
She didn't know a lot of places, being an introvert, but she enjoyed long walks alone and remembered a calligraphy place. It was nice and quiet, so maybe he'd like it too.

After school they notified their parents and went to the place y/n recommended.
The pink haired man there was firm and polite, telling Langa that he wouldn't be hiring minors. As y/n sat next to Langa feeling bad, the pink haired man was eyeing her every so often with a soft look. 

They left the place, standing awkwardly as y/n tried to find the right words to say.
"That sucks, the pay was pretty good too." Said Langa who was looking down at his feet.

"Hey, so I'm, I'm really sorry! I-I didn't, I didn't know that th-"
She stammered, and was quickly interrupted by a screaming redhead, asking one of them to chase a board he must've dropped.

"Hey! New guy! Nice girl! Can you stop that skateboard?!"

Y/n was about to move but Langa beat her to the board.
Reki, then catching up to them panting, greeted them, reminding the less responsive Langa that he was his classmate.
"Hey nice girl! Sorry I never got your name."
He scratched his cheek looking at y/n. Y/n stood there, giving a nod while grabbing at her sleeve.
"Y/n L/n, I sit in front of you."

He chuckled, then looked at Langa, asking if he wanted to skate, y/n blinked at the word.

It's been so long since she skated.

Langa have it a shot, stepping on h the board, as Reki and y/n watched patiently.
He slipped immediately, making Reki laugh and y/n flinch.

"Pft-hahaha! Ahaha! Are you doing that on purpose!? You barely moved an inch!" Reki laughed.
Langa groaned, "Yeah? So what? Maybe we shouldn't be standing on it." He retorted.

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