Breathing before the rush

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Miya was worried when you started acting differently

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Miya was worried when you started acting differently.

You became distant, like there was a foggy vision in your eyes. The fight with Reki had unnerved you in a certain way, you've never lost a friend this way before, then again, you didn't really make a lot of friends to begin with.

Yakuro, what would Yakuro do? That rambunctious punk that would always figure out a solution to anything you couldn't figure out.
Reki wouldn't say good morning to you or Langa, and you wondered whether it was your fault if you really did pay more attention to Langa then Reki. In a way, you did used to think it wasn't a big deal since reki used to do the same, he used to be obsessed with the blue haired boy, and you were the one who decided to protect whay seemed precious to your one remaining friend.
Remaining friend.... When was the last time you went to visit Yakuro? Maybe some time after school, since Reki clearly doesn't feel like talking or hanging out, you could go visit Yakuro, it might be time to stop by the flower shop.



"Nee-Chan!" Miya yelled whilst shaking you.

You blinked and shook your head, turning to look at the boy who has apparently been calling you for some time now.

The cat boy was looking at you with concern and anxiety.

"There you are, both you and Langa have been out of it for a couple days now! And Reki didn't show up today either! What happened between you guys?"

He clutched at your clothes like a cat trying to climb up.

You didn't want to talk about it, but you couldn't exactly leave the boy hanging with just a "nothing, it's fine" response.
You opened your mouth hesitantly, poker face cracking too almost reveal your upset. Chest began to beat loudly and a short ringing started, the cat boy in front of you was waiting, and then a heavy hand came down to your shoulder, helping to ground you.

You looked over your shoulder to shadow, not exactly looking at you but at Langa, still, you could sense his concern.

"Stop it Miya."

"But there's definitely something going on between them! Something wrong! I just want to help..." He muffled the last part as he let go of your coat and clung to one of your arms instead.

"Even so, you can't just pry into their business. If these three have something to resolve, then they should take care of it themselves."

You patted shadows hand on your shoulder as a thank you gesture. Sometimes it's good to remember that even with the makeup on, he's still technically an adult that you can depend on if needed.
Unbeknownst to you, he actually recognized your clouded face from all the times he saw you enter the flower shop.

Miya looked down and his hands clutched your arm tighter, but you didn't really feel anything.
"I know but..."

"-besides, I'm here risking my life." Shadow quickly responded, trying to take the attention away from you.
You plan to thank him later.

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