New board, new friends

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Due to the shock of the two's hidden skills, Reki immediately walked over to them, grabbing Langa by the collar as y/n flinched at the sight.
"You guys..." He seethed.
Y/n was intimidated, and clutched her hood, pulling it down more. Preparing to wince at a scolding.

"Are so awesome!!" Reki threw his head up with stars in his eyes.


(I'm switching to using you instead of y/n because it's easier)

You guys were sitting outside on the concrete stairs as Reki babbled on about Langa's skills.

"I was honestly surprised that you got the hang of it so quickly." You said, holding your wrist unconsciously.

Reki: "I know right!? How did you guys do that flip at the end? Is it some kind of snowboarding thing?" He asked excitedly, posing on the ground.

"Yep, backside rodeo" said Langa, calmly.
Reki poked his cheek as you sat on Langa's right side, watching confused.
"American boy for ya!!" He squealed.
Langa replied, "I'm from Canada."

Reki shrugged, "that's right, well Canaeda, Canahda!, that's whatever."

He stood up and looked at both of you, "you guys know how to skate!! I wanna see some more."
Langa immediately stood up as well, looking determined.
"You got it!" He said.

They looked at you eagerly, hoping you'd also join in.
You nodded reluctantly, as you looked up at them and also stood up holding your rose board.

"I've skated before, so I want to know how Langa does first."

There was a path that the trio were on as Langa had his feet tapped to the board again.
You were frantically worried, but insecurity prevented you from speaking before Langa have Reki the ok and pushed Langa on the path.

"Wu- wait! Your just, you're now ok with him using tape?!" You slowly turned your head to Reki, who looked at you with a closed eye grin.
"Why not? He did his before? Well I mean you did have to hold his hand, but he'll be fine!" Reki patted your shoulder.
"Well, yeah but doesn't this lead to the streets?!" You pointed at the path.

Reki realized, turning his head to Langa and shouted, "Langa! You gotta stop!"

Langa stopped too late, falling in the streets.

Anxiety and fear made your heart race as you and Reki ran down the path.

"Langa!!" You both shouted.

The truck was already there, it drove over him, luckily, as your souls almost left your bodies.

"That was close." He muttered as you put a bandaid on his face, brushing his hair out of the way to check for dirt.
Reki sat back watching with a tinge of jealousy.
"I don't get it, how did you skate so well last night?"
"Besides y/n, I honestly don't know myself."
"If you guys told my you paid a doppelganger to skate in his place, I'd believe it."

Langa turned over to Reki,
"Reki, your board, can I borrow it?"

You replied worriedly,
"Langa you almost got yourself killed."
"Y/n's right, you bailed pretty hard."
Langa looked down, and grabbed onto his chest.
"I know that was rough, but for some reason, I loved it."

So, so like in a masochist way? Or an adrenaline way?

"You're joking." Both you and Reki replied, looking down at the blue haired weirdo.
"No." Langa said.

"Fine" Reki stood up, giving Langa his board as you could only sigh, knowing you'd have to catch him when he falls. But then again, he reminded you of when you kind of said the same thing to Yakuro.

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