Pain II

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TW: this chapter and the upcoming chapters may contain upsetting elements such as discussions about death, thoughts of suicide, and self harm. If these things are too disturbing for you, skip those parts, if you are experiencing any of these things, please seek help.
Now back to the story -

While Reki and Adam were getting ready at the starting line, you looked at the screen, starting to have difficulty breathing.
You began to breath unevenly and put a hand to press against your chest.
Langa looked at your worried and so did the others. Miya leaned into you and hugged your side, looking up at you with concern.
Cherry offered to let you sit down on his lap since he was in a wheel chair, but the others glared and swatted at that idea. When the buzzer was heard, you lifted your head with some strength to see the race. That was a mistake, not even a few minutes in and Adam already started to use his love hug on him. It took some of your willpower to keep looking, and you were thankful that reki dodged it.
You slapped your hands over mouth when Adam didn't stop, and the scene just ended up turning into a one-sided beat down.
Your knees buckled and Langa let you lean on him, it was starting to become difficult to breathe.

Joe took a look at you and yelled for someone to stop the race.
Miya reached up for your hands on your face, pulling them down. He kept calling out to you to try and ground you.

"Get him out." You muttered as you heard Reki's cries of pain from the big screen.

"Stop the race!" You said out loud.

You kneeled down on the ground and held your head in your hands. Memories were starting to haunt you, a panic attack was rising from the unwanted nostalgia.

"No one can stop the race." Said a stranger behind the group. Joe and langa turned to see the familiar capped guy.
It was the same man with the tired face from the hotel and the shop.

"Right now Adam won't stop no matter what, not until he's completely broken him."

Miya hugged your head as he knelt down with you.
Langa could do nothing but put a supportive hand on your shoulder as he looked at the screen.
"It's ok y/n, Reki isn't gonna go down either. "
The guy, who is now recognized as snake, frowns and asks Langa,
"Words of comfort won't do anything."

Langa didn't waver and observed the scene.
"We promised."

Your head hurt, but you ignored it and tried to steady your breathing, miya just kept hugging you.

A strange thought was starting to come to you.
When you met up with Yakuro in the hospital, he told you that he went to look for a secluded place for the two of you, he had injuries all over from a cracked spine, to bruises and scratches all over the back of his head, to a broken shoulder and wrist. You always wondered how he could sustain such damage, he was adventurous but it wasn't like him.
He told you of a secret place to skate that no one went to, and he got too distracted that he lost bslance. How? He never daydreams, and he was alone, so how did he get hurt so badly?

On the race, reki was tired and in pain, but then suddenly smiled as he moved faster to what looked like the edge of a cliff.

"Is he planning on jumping off the cliff?" Cherry said.
"That's reckless! " said Joe.

Your breath hitched and you lifted your head back onto the screen.
He skated off but he went down the cliff, like he surfing, and then used the momentum to skate up a huge curve into the air.
Cherry let you use the arm rest of his chair to stand back up as you kept looking at the face reki was making. From the screen, it looked blurry but you could tell it was a smile. That blurryness started to mess with your vision and you rubbed your eyes but it kept getting more blurry until you could clearly see him in the air, but not as Reki, as Yakuro.
Your eyes began to fog and you covered your mouth as the vision of Yakuro changed back to reki who landed back down and kept moving forward.

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