Step Up

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Joe was faster than he looked. Turns out of you learn enough about physics, you would understand that the weight of his muscles actually helps with his momentum. (I think? I don't know, I narrowly failed physics)

The two of you were right behind be the guy, you kept your composure as it was part of your plan to stay right behind him until the right time. But then, after a few dodges of obstacles, he skated upward to the right side of the rock wall, grabbed onto his board, launched himself and kicked off with his strong legs and blasted back onto a further awaypart of the track, now much more ahead of you.

"Power break!" A fan shouted.
"What a kick! No way those kiddos will beat that!"

Your gaze was beginning to turn colder, as you lowered your head more, Joe looked back at the two of you as of trying to convey something before looking front again and going as fast as he could with his momentum.

In the audience, Cherry was analyzing the three competitors, calculating the degree that would've given a point second faster speed.

"His angle was so poor, what was he thinking, and his stance is sloppy."

Miya was trying to follow along with what he was saying and shadow just gave up.

"Fool, how could you even think of beating Adam when you can't even outsmart a rookie." Cherry sneered.

Back in the race track, you and Langa tried hard to keep up, gliding around corners with leather gloves as the wheels were getting more and more cored, Langa skidded with snowboarder experience easily, you did a driving trick where you planted one foot back to lift the front nose up and then steered with your other foot. It only looked for a small amount of time, only used for turning corners, Yakuro thought of that trick, no clue where they got it from. 
The gap was now getting smaller, joe knelt down to grab both sides of his board again, but not to do another power jump. He used his arms to lift his legs up, and then straightened them out into the most extreme planking yoga move you've ever seen.

"Y/n!" Langa called out, worried you were almost kicked in the face.

You flinched back a little after his legs kicked back,  glad to not have closed the gap any further. 
The two of you watched as Joe somehow was skating away faster (the logic in this anime when it comes to physics is almost non existent), it was overwhelming and you were struggling to think of a new strategy. 
Langa was beginning to slow down, he was frowning as he touched a hand to his chest, starting to look unsure. You quickly grabbed his hand and pulled to your speed with you. When you two turned a corner, Joe could no longer be seen. Your stomach dropped and you gritted your teeth in frustration, langa had stopped trying to gain more speed and began slowing the two of you down. You looked behind him with afrown, now being the only one moving the boards along. 
Langa didn't look at you, instead, he was in a daze, you had considered smacking him hard across the face to wake him up but that was just your anger talking.  Instead, you tried a derby move of working with your legs to pick up speed again as long dragged behind you,  in order for both of you to catch up,  you used whatever speed you could muster to grip Langa's arm firmly, and them swing him in front of you,  pushing him ahead as you worked to catch up yourself now that he was no longer behind.  He almost fell as you swung him forward but you were too frustrated to consider that.
You both managed to get to a straight away where some people were watching, they cheered as Adam passed by, but then started booing when langa came up, not moving very quickly as the speed you gave him ran out.
People were visibly upset, some because they were betting on the Duo, others because the believed he could win, and some others were wondering where you were, thinking maybe you got lost and became even more upset.

"Get it together Snow shoe!"
"I got bets riding on you dude!"
"Hey! Are the cold duo melting or something?!"
"Where's Rain?! We need her right now! "

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