New board, new friends part 2

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Here you are, trapped in the courtesy of Reki's house.

"Excuse me, sorry."
"Sorry." You and Langa both replied awkwardly.
"You're fine, it's fine." Said Reki.

Reki lead you both to his room, you mostly stayed near the door frame, feeling too out of place and worried about your choices.

"Just sit wherever." He said, mostly looking at you.

There was all sorts of keychains and skate mercy that decorated his room, a full menagerie of colorful and epic designs.
You hesitated, and then felt a tug on your arm. Looking down, you noticed Langa, who was crouching to look at Reki's things, looking next to him, there was a little girl with faded red hair just staring at you and Langa.

"Nanaka!" Reki said sternly.

The little girl jolted and sprinted away.

"Who, who was that?" Langa asked in a shaky voice.
"One of my little sisters." Reki casually explained.

His mom then walked into the room, wearing a normal green sweater jacket.

"Reki! You should let me know when you're bringing friends over!" She lightly told him.
Then smiled at you and Langa.
"Hi there! I'm Reki's mother! I hope he hasn't gotten you two in any trouble, are you ok?"
She said leaning down a bit.

You flinched at that question, immediately pulling down your sleeve, quietly. Could she see them?

"Of course they're ok, mom! This is me you're talking about!" Reki replied from the other side of the room.

She giggled, "and that's why I'm worried for them!" She cooed in a caring voice.

She then ignored his last comment, as you then knelt down to see what Langa was looking at, noticing that this was just a conversion between mother and child.
She then suddenly got down to eye level with you and Langa, clapping get hands together.

"Are you hungry? I've got some yummy cake if you both would like!" She asked in a motherly tone.
The twins that were hiding behind her legs then chanted cake like the kids they were.
"Thanks for asking me!" Reki complained sarcastically.
"Just one tiny slice?" She egged you but on.
"Umm.. Yes?" You hesitantly replied.
"Sure.." Langa slowly said with a sweat drop.

She left, leaving an awkward you exhaling from all that extrovert energy.
"She's charming." You exhaled.
"There's a lot going on." Langa started.
"You mean you guys don't get harassed at your houses?" Reki sighed.

You turned around to fully face Reki, standing up in the process.
"My two older siblings graduated and moved out, so all the attention is on my now. Might be the same situation as you, I don't know." You lightly chuckled.
Reki looked over at you, chuckling as well, knowing that you two now have more in common.

Reki finally found the magazine he was looking for, showing you guys the different model skateboards.
Langa seemed interested in the one with the straps, and Reki offered to make him one.
It turns out that Reki regularly made skateboards, including the one Langa used against shadow and the one he currently practices with.
They discussed the features that should be added based on how Langa skated, you added in some commentary from the race, hoping then, Langa won't fall as much.
"You probably wobble when you hit the corner." Reki said.
"Oh trust me, he does."
"How did you know that?" Langa asked.
"Because skating! It's what we know best! Right y/n?" Reki asked you.
"Yeah.. It is." You shyly replied, moving hair or if your face.

Langa looked behind you two with an admirable expression.

You two then went insidehis garage, or was surprisingly missed, you looked at all the equipment and boxes.
Reki then picked up an unpainted board, turning to Langa.
"They don't sell the kind of deck you need, I'm gonna have to shave this one down." He smiled.

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