Climbing up

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A large screen was setup on the flatest rock wall, along with a stage prepared for that pompous Matador to walk on for all his adoring fans to see.

A large screen was setup on the flatest rock wall, along with a stage prepared for that pompous Matador to walk on for all his adoring fans to see

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You chose to come without Langa because you didn't want him involved in your little plan for revenge. It was crowded as everyone became excited for whatever that beloved king was hosting, you could see betting groups, and a random guy joining one of the random circles after he took a glimpse at you, which was pretty easy to notice. A lot of people would need to take a very close look to recognize you considering your black attire.
You walked up to Joe as he was the first person you recognized.

"Oh! Hey there kiddo! Don't sneak up on me like that!"
He ruffled your hair playfully, and you had to readjust your sunglasses.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses when it's obviously night time?"

"Because there's a huge stage with blaring lights, and on that stage, is someone i don't exactly enjoy seeing."

Joe smirked at your reply, and then turned to his right after someone called him, same with you. Langa finally came, and he seemed to be looking for Reki again, he looked to you but you sadly shook your head.

"I haven't seen him, I don't think on he's coming either. " You replied.

"You think he's around?" Joe asked him.

Langa could only mutter a "maybe", before walking around Joe to grab onto you, and then lean his head near yours. You shuffled your board into one hand to make a free one to gently ruffle his soft blue hair.

Joe smiled at the two of you, looking away to keep his cool composure.

Suddenly the lights went out, fireworks hit the stage, and the lights flash back on as the red madman bursts into the scene, iconic Spanish guitar playing out of nowhere.

"Hey Bitches and Bros and Nonbinary Hoes!!" He screams in the air as he lands back down.
He stands upright and lifts a hand in the air to have everyone's attention, and then moves his hands in odd graceful motion as he talks.
"Are you ready to discover the truth? Who among us loves skating the most? And who, will receive the skating God's blessing?!"
He clicks the heel of his palms together (okay seriously, is that possible? Or does he just have some material in his gloves that allow him to make that clicking sound whenever he likes?)

On the screen flashes 9 people and their aliases,
Harry, Shadow, Miya, Rain and Snow sharing one blue bar, followed by Adam, Cherry Blossom, Joe, and finally Snake, the new guy.

Everyone cheers for their favorite stars, you're wondering why you and Langa were grouped together.

"I thought we were all going to be skating separately?"

Joe chuckles and responds.
"It's probably better this way, you saw how Langa was getting ambushed after you left his side right? Besides, everyone sees you two as a pair. "

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