Snow, Rain, and Cat boy part 3

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The race was halfway through, you watched as Langa kept a steady pace, then went back to focus on your own footwork.

Miya seemed to mumble something that upset Langa, because he then reached out his hand to Who was dozing off until you saw him.
"Y/n! Let's go!"

He grabbed your hand unexpectedly, then, "I'll swing you over that rock and follow." He quickly said.

"Your gonna what?! Hey don't just say that la-Aaah!" You tried to say, but too late as Langa immediately pulled your body by the hand, making you skate over the rock and make the biggest jump you've ever done.
He quickly followed with a backside rodeo technique, you landed beside Miya, and he frowned as you sped up, reached your hand into the sky, grabbing Langa's, as he grabbed his skate board so you could him beside you, you two now ahead of Miya.

You two rounded a corner as you lifted your nose of the board for better spinning and controlled with your hips and legs.
Langa used the spinning movement on his wheels to turn each corner as you two stayed neck and neck with Miya.

"You rock that L2S!" Screamed Reki from the pink that you didn't seem to notice until now.

Seriously? Redhead more like reckless.
You thought, not needing to look back at the voice.

You shifted your back foot closer to the back of your board as all three racers started to speed. Your body was facing the side but still slanted to the front as your foot placement was adjusted to lightly click the front nose of the board for speed. (Sorry if this doesn't make sense)

"Y/n, that tree. Can we do it?" Langa said softly to you as he stared off at the tree ahead of you three.
You hummed as you got closer, already thinking of a trick that you did with your old friend back then, seeing if it would work in this one.

You and Langa sped forward while the cat boy cored his wheels, trying to slow down.
You looked to your right at Langa, saying "can you Ollie it?"
He nodded as he went first and kicked his board up to the tree, bouncing on the branch and back on to the track, as you soon followed, kicking up your board to leap onto the upper side of the tree branch and rolling off with added momentum.

As you two were now ahead, at the corner of your eye, Miya jumped in the air and flipped his board into a rail slide, sliding at the inner side as he stood on the side.
"I'm the hero." He said aggressively, "I'm not a slime!"

You were finally at the mine, neck and neck with Miya as Langa was just behind.
Skating on the railway, trying to maneuver through, you slipped behind due to not paying attention and was now in a tight space with Langa.
Miya chuckled, looking at you two from behind.
"I never lose! That's why I'm the hero." He bragged.

You gave a slight frown but cocked a brow up, really not understanding this kid. Langa was bothered, due to the speed, you two couldn't find any way to use the rails as usual.

Langa looked to the sides, and then tugged on your arm, making you turn and see Reki who was below the bridge, mouthing something.

Langa seemed to get it and looked over to you, smiling and nodding. You didn't understand but just went with it anyway.
You both looked forward as the staircase to the finish line was up ahead.
"There's my ticket." Miya said.
"I told you guys, it's useless!" He said as he flipped his board sideways to stop.
You and Langa continued, seeming to have the same idea.
You both kicked your boards up onto the railings of the stair case, not caring at that point of the risk.
Miya stopped in shock and immediately warned you two, "Stop! The hand rails too jacked up! You're not gonna make it!"

"You're gonna fall!!" Shadow warned as well from the crowd.

But you two didn't care, so what if you died? In this moment, it felt worth it to you.
You just continued to do an Ollie over the missing gaps in the hand rails as Langa uses the wheels on his board, then doing an Ollie as he looked at your relaxed figure, preparing to slide down the rails. You two were leaning more forward as Miya tried to catch up by leaping forward, right in between you two.

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