Settling the score

604 21 0

A year ago...

A year ago, Yakuro, a best friend from almost your entire life got into a skating accident.
During his last few days in the hospital, he would stare out the window with a frown, the feeling of being unable to move was torture, but he would smile every time you came to visit.
He told you that there was a cool area he found that would challenge the both of you, a perfect place to skate.
He tested it out and....

".. what? What happened at this place?"
You gently asked your friend.

You were peeling him an orange while he was still lying down, his broken shoulder and ribs puncturing his organs prevented him from being able to move around as easily, so he just turned his head to the big window in his hospital room. He held an expression of focus, like he was trying to recall something from memory. At the moment, everything was difficult for him.

You took a slice of orange and held it in front of him, causing him to come back to reality and turn to you. He stared for a long few seconds before smiling and opening his mouth for you to drop the slice of orange in.

"It was a really cool place but probably a little too extreme." Yakuro weakly lifted his arm up to rub his eyes as he shyly smiled.

"I actually lost my board during the accident. I still can't believe how into the zone I was in, you have no idea how clumsy I got!" He gave a cheeky grin and stared up at the ceiling.

You sat next to his bed, quietly wondering where this place was that he was talking about, as he still didn't give you any details of that place. The orange that was still sitting in its peeled skin was laid cupped in your hands before being moved to the night stand next to you.

"Well, you can make up for it by recovering and we'll go together. I won't let you fall."

You leaned over and hugged him. He returned the gesture with a weak hand on your back, that hand would soon get weaker and weaker with time.

"I ordered something for you by the way, an apology."

Yoy pulled away with a puzzled expression.

"Why? You have nothing to apologize for. "

He then gave you this sad expression as he laid a hand on yours.

"There's this really famous calligraphy artist, his choice of words have always left a lot of people in amazement. So I asked him to help me create a message in a short sentence, something that you can remember."

You gripped his hand and he gripped back.

"We can put the message on your board." He smiled at you.

- present -

A while after the race had finished, a certain red suited and mud covered skater was dancing on his board as he skated to what appeared to be a suit tailer shop.
When he opened the door and stood near the entrance in a menacing light, the lonesome employee working there was disturbed and wanted to ask him to close the door.

The red and mud covered man asked for the employee to tailor an outfit for him.

"A request from someone bold, for a day of once-in-a- lifetime importance." He kept muttering.
"It's only appropriate that I grant that request."

He said as he walked up to the desk.

"I see." The employee nervously responded, then asked, "is it a wedding?"

"It isn't." The messy man responded, water from the rain dripped from his hair.

"That's right." He continued to whisper to himself.
"This is, ---"

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