Beef: Reki vs Adam

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Your heart began to race as you saw that Adam has actually shown up for the beef. You should've done something to stop Reki, like Miya, but you didn't, and it's too late to make any negotiations now.

But this wasn't your decision, Reki chose this and you'll just have to bring him to the hospital after the beef. It won't be that bad, no.... You won't lose him... Life can't take every great friend you've ever had away, right?

As doubt began to cloud your mind face, Reki went and put a hand on your shoulder after Adam finally put his board away. Lightly shaking you so you'd look up, he gave you a light reassuring smile and gripped your shoulder. You looked at him with a blank face but frightened eyes, as you clutched your sleeves out of habit of fear again.
Reki noticed how you'd do this and slid his hand down to your upper arm, giving you a comforting rub. You took a deep breath and sighed and tried to smile back, even if he gets hurt, you'll just have to be there, if he doesn't, then luck is on your side.
You nodded gently and let Langa gently tug your other arm so you could both get out of the way for the race. You kept your head turned to Reki and mouthed, "be careful", to him.

It's not that you were too shy to say it, It's just that sappy isn't your thing, and there was a crowd!

The lights went green, and off the two racers went. At least that's how it was supposed to go, Reki leaped ahead, but Adam just... Stood there, lighting a cigarette. What an overconfident prick, won't even respect his opponents.

Miya sneered. "He's doing it to mock him."
He gripped the back of your coat with one hand.

You gritted your teeth and balled your fists, Langa still holding both sides of your shoulders to keep you next to him.
You watched as he puffed out some smoke.

"That's the thing about tobacco." Adam began.
What more weird things is he going to say now?

"It despises humidity, so I always try to be thoughtful and carry it in an air tight case."

"If you expect great taste, you have to put in the proper effort." He said in his low tone.

"Joe knows what I'm talking about, don't ya?" He said in a teasing like tone.

You could cock an eyebrow, is this rich people stuff?

"Sure." Joe answered. "Presentation is key in planning the dishes and planning the courses."

You looked over at the impossibly bulky man, he's always seemed like a carefree guy. He's frowning so much tonight, is it because of Adam?

"You know I've always found that fascinating." Adam said with a hand on his hip.
"If a plate looks good, your mind will decide it tastes good too."

"Is this a metaphor for your opponents?" You finally took the courage to say, all this talk was starting to bother you.

"Or is this about Reki?" Langa added. He then moved his arms to hug your shoulders, your back against him.

Adam smiled and simply answered, "perhaps." In a light tone.

He took another puff and moaned, "so yummy!"

"I don't get to smoke during work, but here, here I'm free." He looked up to the lights that lit the place, relishing in the open space.
"I can do anything!"

That last sentence sent off a red flag in your mind. Anything huh? That's right, because no one can ever talk about this place, it's perfect hideaway for crime.

"So, is this your place to vent from work?" You said out loud, and it's clear he could hear you.

He turned to you, looking at you and Langa like precious jewels, and simply grinned. As you observed him further, he stomped on his board and muffled the cigarette with one of his gloved hands. He assumed a leaning pose towards the tracks and in a blink of an eye, launched his board forward and jumped on it. His speed was far beyond what you imagined.

"So fast!" Langa commented.

The crowd began to scream at the Matador's actions. This speed was no surprise to them.

He sped down the tracks, at first you thought Reki was safe with the distance he made but it looks like you're about to be wrong.

You wanted to grab onto Langa's arms which were wrapped around you, but if you did that, then your sleeves might slip down. And that's a situation for another time, so for comfort, you simply leaned your head a bit closer to his.

"Do you think he'll be ok?" You managed to say from your building anxiety. Your eyes were clouded again, too overwhelmed to think of anything.
Langa didn't know what to say, but he believed in Reki, and that was his only thought.
"He'll get through this." He said close to your ear.
You just nodded as you both watched the screens.

On the screens, you watched as he got closer, and eventually, caught up to Reki with ease. He then began to toy with him, connecting both boards with his foot as he gave Reki a painful dance.

Miya watched in expected horror.
"This is Adam."

"He's gone too far!" Langa pulled you with him to get Reki, you yelped at the sudden action.

"No don't!" Miya tried to quickly reach out.

Too late, Langa took some poor saps motorcycle and insisted you get on before going on the tracks to catch up to Reki and Adam.

"Langa! Don't be too brash!" You said to him, but Langa didn't reply, he just continued riding through the tracks and put one hand over yours which were hanging on to his waist.

There was no stopping him.

Eventually you two reached the skaters, but by the time you got there, it was the perfect moment to see the love hug, and the result from it. As Reki's body flew off his board and tumbled onto the ground, you could only flinch as you watched.
Langa screamed for Reki, and Adam relished in his win with the small brush off blood painted on him from Reki's passing body.

Langa stopped the motorcycle as you immediately jumped off to get to Reki's body. You gently took a hold of his face, still in shocked silence as Langa kept calling him. You patted his head to make him react, "Reki! Wake up! We're here it's ok!" You hoped he would respond. Please respond! Don't leave! You thought.

Relief washed over when his eye lids twitched, you placed his head on your lap as Langa knelt down next to you, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Sorry." Rei muttered.
He opened his eyes and turned to get a better look at your worried face which was usually so stoic.
"I didn't win." He groaned quietly.

"That doesn't matter!" Langa scolded him.

"Oh my!" An eagerly surprised voice said.

Oh that's right, it all happened so fast after you got off the bike that you forgot about him, somehow.

You both turned to look up at the man who slowly skated closer to the trio.

"The main course has arrived~"

Adam towered over you two, and began to coo.
"Hello little Langa~, little y/n~, we meet again. What a sweet reward, I'm overjoyed." He said in the creepiest tone you could possibly imagine for this guy.

You mentally sneered at this guy, how could such a creepy line like that be uttered? It didn't matter however, as you and Langa has more important matters to attend to. And that was getting Reki to a hospital. Enemy aside, now your worry was losing another friend.

Not again, please not again. I can't lose another one.


Hey guys! Sorry for slow updates! My family just finished building a gazibo in the backyard and it took so long! I'm trying to get back into my normal routine again.

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