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You had a tight grip on Langa's wrist as you both ran back to the stage area, looking for miya.
He called out to both of you as soon as he saw you guys.
You let go of Langa's hand and ran over to Miya, pulling his face into a bear hug. There was this strange wave of anxiety festering inside you, and you suddenly felt so overprotective.
Miya was shocked and his gasp was muffled into your shirt. Its not that he hated this, he actually really likes any chance he gets to snuggle into you, but this was still a surprise and he was about to race soon.
Langa was feeling a little jealous but brushed it aside for the look on your face was filled with worry.

"Miya, have you seen Reki?" Langa asked.

You snapped out of your thoughts and let go of your oddly tight grasp on the cat boy, mumbling an apology as you pushed him away.
Miya gave you a confused look, but ignored it. Langa continued.

"I'm sure he was here. We both heard him call out to us while skating. "

Miya turned his head away and just shrugged.
"Maybe he ran away."

"Why?" Langa frowned.

You adjusted your stance as you grew a frown from remembering the fight.
"Do you think,,, he doesn't want to see us?"

Langa was confused why you would think this and looked from you to Miya. The cat boy still just shrugged, looking away from your sad face.

"Yeah, maybe he just doesn't want to be around you guys anymore. Anyway, I'm about to start my race now."

You suddenly reached your hand out to block him from leaving, that weird wave of anxiety coming back again. Miya looked up at you with frustration and concern.

"Wha- (y/n) nee-chan? What are you doing? I have to go now." The boy said as he placed a hand on your arm that was blocking him.

You blinked and stared, and so did Langa, surprised at your actions. You began stuttering, feeling flustered.

"Ah, sorry, I don't- just, "
You proceeded to try covering up your sudden action by pulling Miya into a one armed hug.
"Just, be careful sweetie."

Miya pried himself out of your hug with a slightly blushing face.
"Stop saying weird stuff nee-chan!"
He huffed and walked past you.
"I'll be fine. Just be sure to drag Reki to the next beef, tie one of those many shoe laces from your boots you have around his neck if you have to."

You turned around to look back at him.

"I want him to see me the moment I become the champion."

It was officially Miya vs Snake next, so you decided to do the pulling and maneuvered through the crowd to be closer to the tracks, just in case.
Considering what happened to Cherry, your big sister instincts for the little sibling you never had were kicking in. Along with a weird feeling.
Langa was gently massaging your shoulders with his hand, giving a comforting up and down rub as he felt your anxiety, anger, fear, and frustration.
On the giant screen you could see the two racers nearing some fallen rocks, your grip tightening on your board.
Miya slowed down while the guy named snake sped forward, dodging all the rocks with what looked like a dance move? That's what everyone else was calling it. It did look kinda cool.
You were simply glad that it was aquick race and that the snake guy didn't do anything to hurt Miya.
You used your free hand to pull out your phone, scrolling through all the text messages in the group chat that were sent to Reki.
He was absent, and would still be absent the next day.

You did your usual routine of grabbing one of those plastic wrapped dorayakis for breakfast on your way out, everyone in your house avoiding each other because it was too early to fight. Grabbing your board, (and of course you wear pants, like usual), and then letting muscle memory take you to school.
But your muscle memory ended up taking you to the place where you and your two best friends would meet up.
Langa found your face in a daze and was disappointed to not see Reki. You felt the same way, he didn't show up for school or anything.
Unknown to the both of you, a certain creep had cameras spying on you both. In the creep's office, there were columns and rows of cameras.
One set was zoomed in on Langa's disappointed face from the first race of the competition, along with yours from, actually not the competition, just pictures around crazy rock in general.
From your first night at crazy rock, to last night. The blue haired politician had pictures of your face ranging from nervous, cool, calm, excited, smiling, to your latest expressions of sad ans numb.
The man staring at your numb photo was feeling frustrated, he thought he would enjoy looking at the familiar sight of that lifeless face, but it didn't have that passion that he also enjoyed seeing.
His arms were crossed, fingers gripping at his white sleeve while his teeth gritted in annoyance at his conflicted feelings.

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