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Langa couldn't catch up to you and he couldn't find Reki either, even when he tried to follow the little purple petals that flew off from your hyscinths, they stopped at the path outside the hospital to the road. So he left the hospital and first went to your house. Your mom was home at the time, and when she heard him asking if you were home, she shrugged and said,
"that child hides almost everything from me, I wouldn't be surprised if she's skating somewhere at a park."

"Oh, well, thank you anyway-"

"Or hanging out with a potential boyfriend she didn't tell me about, that's what I used to do when I was young, although I was far more social than her,"

Langa started to feel awkward.
"Oh, well uh that's nice-"

"And I used to hang out with lots of friends after school too. You know, it's strange how she didn't inherit any of my social genes, are you sure you and that red head are her only friends?"

Langa ended up coming up with an excuse to leave quickly before she could stay ranting. He went to Reki's house next, but he wasn't there either. He even asked if you were somehow with him at this time but she had no information.
She let him inside thinking Reki would come back for dinner like usual, and be bringing you with him as well.
Langa felt a tinge of jealousy with how you left him to go chase after Reki, but he pushed it back down for now, just telling himself that you were desperately reaching out.
The blue head walked around Reki's room, checking out some things like his skateboard note ams sketchbook, wondering what went wrong.

- Back to the car crash.

It was dark for a bit, until a light flashed above you.
You opened your eyes to find yourself in a light purple room, then leapt up when remembering the car crash and whipped your head around to find Reki. You felt yourself breath as you found his head right next to your hand, along with the rest of his body perfectly in tact, breathing and sleeping smoothly.
You patted yourself down as you sat upright, also finding yourself to be in one piece, and sitting in a purple and spinning bed. What an awkward way to wake up.

"It seems you woke up first." A voice said from beside you.

You flinched at the proximity and
Slapped whoever was speaking to you.

He flinched and nearly fell back, but he didn't make a sound. (Because the poor guy has been hit before 😭)
You a little guilty.

"Ah, sorry, you were really close and- where are we, who are you?"
You said as you shifted to the edge of the no longer spinning bed and tried to stand up. Your feet were cold, meaning your shoes were off. Even though you both were knocked out, the man still stuck with the "no shoes on the bed rule", which meant he wasn't a psycho, so that was good.
Unfortunately taking a hit from a car can actually take a toll on a person's body, if it was strong enough to knock a person out, then it would certainly drain some energy from your body.
Your legs wobbled and you felt immediate vertigo.
The stranger had you sit back down as he saw you start to hold your head.

"This is a love hotel, as for who I am, I'd rather not disclose to you-"


You flinched again at the sudden voice, and turned to see Reki had woken up.
He looked around the room, then spotted you and pulled you into a bear hug.

"(Y/n)! I'm so sorry are you ok?? Are you hurt anywhere?? Wait, where are we??"

You yanked yourself out of his arms.

"I'm fine!"

The stranger didn't waste time now that both of you were awake. He bent down to tell him that they were in a love hotel n to which reki blushed, then he walked around the bed stand in front of the both of you. He tossed the remote that controlled the spinning of the bed next to Reki.

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