Step Up II

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Adam and cherry were racing next. You and Langa were unfortunately unable to find Reki, so you both went back to the crowd to continue searching there. Langa held your hand in the hopes of calming his nerves because you seemed really relaxed. You couldn't let him know what was going on in your mind.

'Now isn't the time to let him know that he's not coming with me to the next round.'

Back at the beginning if the rave track, cherry and Adam were standing as the crowd on the sidelines cheered, though neither of them were listening.

"Goodluck, Adam." Cherry said politely to his opponent.
Though, it didn't seem like his rude opponent was listening.

"This is a mistake. You're not the one I wanted to race against. "

"You've been dodging a beef against me for a long time."

"What makes you say that ~"

Cherry turned more towards him and when a more assertive tone.
"You know it's true." He sneered.

"Cherry!" A concerned friend called out.

Joe ran up to him and tried to get some words out, but nothing seemed to come out.
Cherry simply turned a cheek to him and acted pompously.
"Back off you needy gorilla you're smothering me."
Joe grunted in response.
"Don't fret about Adam, I'll win. You'll see."

"If you lose I'll never stop laughing at your ignorance." Joe replied with a smirk.

"Do me a favor and don't work out too much muscle brain."

"Um -" Adam interrupted.

The bantering couple turned to Adam who was standing impatiently with a hand on his hip.

"Not to disturb but how long does the little comedy act go on? It's time to start the race."

The two looked at the man facing the track with caution.

"Please be careful. " Joe whispered.

"Adams not the competitor he used to be."

"As if you needed to tel me that." Cherry replied with the same stoic expression.

The lights went off and so did the two competitors.

Both were extremely fast and slick with their movements, both were neck and neck throughout the start of the race , it honestly looked like a tie.
Suddenly Adam pulled ahead after cherry was making calculations for the next turn. He was going to do the love hug.
Cherry, having known this man since their younger years, closed his eyes knowing that it would help him not fall for the illusion, but it concerned everyone else as they were as it to pass a corner.
This was thanks to Carla, who counted down.
3. (Closing distance.)
2. (Adam almost reaches him.)
1. (Dodge.)

Open eyes and turn the corner.

He made it look so easy.
As they continued skating and Adam was catching up, cherry gave him a side eye.

"You were expecting me to dodge that, weren't you?"

'Even if i did, you wouldn't have gone ahead with your move.'

As the two continued, they became neck and neck again. Then something unexpected happened.

Cherry bumped his board into Adam's, it made everyone watching think that he going to fight dirty. This was intended because cherry wanted to see Adam up close, in the hopes of seeing what Adam really feels.

He was backing him to the side, the canyon wall almost grinding against the horns of his board. Making him fall behind.

"Just as I suspected, I can still see right through you." Cherry told him, or perhaps himself.

"Carla! High speed mode!"

His board changed a little and it increased his speed tremendously.

"You know Adam, you can't defeat me if you're so willing to provide mercy leads." Cherry said through the wind he left behind.

Cherry was making every correct move thanks to Carla, Adam just skated behind him silently and with the same frown from the start.

From there on, it was more about maneuverability than speed. Carla was somehow able to transform, from long to short.
At this point, Adam started skating ahead again, and started dancing. Cherry kept a stern look at him, unamused.
Adam wasn't amused either, he danced, clacked a heel on the nose of his board, the opposite nose elevated, he picked it up, ran back towards cherry, held it like a bat, and the race ended upon impact.

No one in the crowd expected this from the skating god that was oh so great in everyone's eyes.

Cherry was on the ground with a betrayed look, Carla clattered away.
Adam simply walked up to his limp body with an unapologetic explanation.

"As always, your skating has no surprises. It's over calculated so it can never transcend."

He stood over cherry, appearing as a shadow with the lights behind him.

"Let me teach you something. " he said in a low voice.

"The reason I never responded to your challenges,"

Cherry lifted his head with whatever strength he had to listen closer.

"It was because I find you boring. "Adam whispered, but he heard.

Cherry 's eyes widened with a pained expression.

Adam then turned his face to the camera so that everyone could see, even you and Langa who were still hopelessly looking for Reki, although, you realized the truth a while ago that he left.
You halted to a stop, and so did Langa as he had a tight grip on your hand.
You turned your face to the large screen, using your free hand to dig up a spare pair of sunglasses in your cargo pants.
Langa also turned to see what was interesting.

"In comparison, " Adam said in a cooing tone as he turned to face the audience.
"Rain! Snow! You both truly are the most wonderful gifts! I wish we could pair together all the time."

You placed your sunglasses back on, not caring about the lack of light in the area, suddenly, you were blind. Now if only you could also become deaf in this moment.
Langa's hand gripped yours tighter and he moved closer to wrap an arm around your shoulders.

"I've been waiting for this~ The day I find my missing piece, here you are my eve. Though, it can only be one of you, I will keep waiting through this tournament to see exactly which one of you truly belongs to me~" He bounced his tone on we u of the last words.

Langa wrapped his arms more around you as you lifted a hand to grip one of his forearms.

"Your Eve?" Langa asked in a hushed tone. Jealously swirled around it as he was starting to get what Adam meant after hearing it more.

Sorry for such a late update! College is not the dream! More like a very unpleasant character development journey.
Anywho, I just want to make it clear, I will finish this series, it's just gonna take a while for each chapter to upload, but I will eventually upload the finale chapter.
Thank you to those who are still reading, and I'm sorry to keep you waiting like this.

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