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(Your outfit to imagine if you'd like)

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(Your outfit to imagine if you'd like)

The morning went by peacefully, you woke up, did your routine, and looked through the fridge for something quick to eat.
Last night your parents were both cooking so you returned home to a heavy dinner. There was enough to be packed for both your dad and your lunches, and your mom also went and made a snack bag for your breakfast, having recognized how you tend to eat your breakfast on your trip. 
She thought it was healthy so long as you got some more sun.

It's not like you ran while eating. You put your lunch box in your bag and held the snack bag while skating to the usual spot where Reki and Langa would be. They shouted good morning to you and the three of you did your three way hand greeting.
Langa suggested you guys go to the parrot fish course as you opened your snack bag, offering some to the boys.
Reki agreed with a smirk, putting a hand inside your bag and pulling out a small, cute bottle of juice.

"First one to the parrot fish course gets this bottle of juice!" He yelled as he skated ahead with the juice in his hand.

You and Langa were caught off guard and went after him.
"That's not fair!"
"That bottle was originally mine!"

Reki just laughed ahead. 


Later that day at the skate shop, Reki held 1 piece of Skeychy's kibble in his hands, a determined look shared between the three of you. 
You held your phone horizontally and as still as possible, equally serious. 

"Ready? " Reki asked. 

You and langa nodded. 

"Well then, I'll try it out. "

He held the kibble in front of the little doc to get his attention, then quickly tossed it in a specific direction. 
"Go, sketchy!"

The tiny fox barked after the treat and caught it in the air, landing on two toy skateboards and rolling forward a little. With a disinterested face.
You squealed at the sight as you stopped recording, standing up to get a better look at the fox on the counter.
Reki cheered in victory as Langa praised the little skit.
The joy didn't last long as the tiny fox quickly kicked the two skateboards underneath him and aimed each one at Reki and Langa's eyes. 
They yelped and screamed in pain as the fox sat with an unamused expression. 
You covered your mouth but still held your  phone up at them. 

"Please tell me you didn't get that part." Reki groaned as he turned his head up at you, a hand half covering his hurt eyes. 

You just smiled and looked away as you hid your phone closer to your chest. 

"You done cleaning up?" Asked the boys manager as he walked in.

Reki and langa quickly moved to act busy. 
"We just need to move the water! " reki said frantically. 
"I'll move it out" Langa replied as he picked up the gallon and walked through the employee room.

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