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You and Langa gave your strange roses to Reki, and took your boards to the starting line.
Langa wanted to keep you close so he tried to pull you with him to his side of the track, but before he could graze your arm, Adam stepped in between you two somehow.
The strange man was as flamboyant as always, his cape waved around so much that you two had to move away to not get hit. He did this on purpose.

You could see his smirk as you all got on your boards, waiting for the light. This part was easy, as predicted he took out a cigar when the lights went off. You and Langa looked past him to each other.

"Are they stalling?" Said one stranger.

"Is this some kind of joke?"

"What are those two thinking?"

Adam immediately noticed this as the crowd commented. He took out his cigar and apologized.
"Sorry I was late, snowball, raindrop~"

He stomped up his board, and got into position.
"Any who, shall we begin?" He asked as the lights counted down again, but seriously this time.

And All 3 racers pushed off, as they stabilized themselves to the speed of their boards.

"Careful!" Reki shouted to his friends in the crowd.

"They made a good move." Said cherry.

Reki turned to him confused.

Cherry continued.
"Adam won't stray too far, He needs a challenge or he'll get bored."

Meanwhile, as you two were busy maneuvering to catch up to Adam, He decided to do his annoying chatter again. Why can't he just be silent and enjoy the moment?

He looked back on his two favorite jewels.
"Long distance is so hard to maintain, hmm?"

He was surprised by the careful distance you two put.
You and Langa strategized thanks to cherry, since his "love hug" trick needs a straight away, You two will make a quick chance to get ahead on the turns.

Despite your unreadable faces, it was like Adam could read minds.
"May I assume you've both been coached?"

It made you a bit happy that he didn't seem too chatty about that.

Back to the crowd, your friends observed the race.

"Adam is superior in both speed and technique, but his strategy could be disrupted in the last leg."
Said cherry, arms crossed.

Joe gave him a side glance.
"You're so bad, you just used those poor souls didn't you?"

"It was a deal profitable for us both." Said cherry bitterly.

Back to the race, Adam was getting a little bothered, and said in a slightly pouting voice
"You two have your eyes on the factory. Not even raindrop is paying much attention to me."

Langa gave him a glare and signed for you to go faster, as did, attempting to stay between you and the strange Matador as he closed the gap.
You paid this no mind, as you felt the wind through your hair, and this nostalgic adrenaline. If your old friend could see this now, it's been so long since this adventurous feel.

You leaned more forward and focused your eyes more, Then tapped Langa's back as a sign and began to start skating ahead. Langa son following.
There was a special gleam in his eyes when he looked at you from behind, there was a special atmosphere he felt when you started skating to your fullest. If only Adam weren't here, and it was just you two in this moment.

You lifted your front nose of the board up and spun it to side to increase speed, Langa followed with a Casper slide.

Adam felt intrigued by this display, and you suddenly felt a shudder.

Sk8 the Infinity x Reader!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon