Recollection and competition

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Ever since the fight with Reki, things have been feeling cold, and not the relaxing kind.

You couldn't even bother to look up at the giant screen which showed all the groups that would be competing against each other despite Langa's repeated tugs of your sleeve

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You couldn't even bother to look up at the giant screen which showed all the groups that would be competing against each other despite Langa's repeated tugs of your sleeve.
Regardless, the blue head continued to pull you along with him as the two of you walked up to Miya and the others.

"Oh! Nee-chan! Langa! Huh? Reki's not with you? And it looks like he didn't sign up for the tournament either. "

You looked down even further at the mention of that.

Langa became the extrovert for you and told the guys that reki wouldn't be here, and couldn't exactly explain why.

"The kid's probably scared of racing against Adam!" said shadow in his typical smug tone.

Langa flinched and looked to you. You looked like a cold statue with hair that lost its volume, covering your face as his your feelings.

You and langa had texted reki countless times, but no response. Like he wasn't there to pick up the phone, like you had lost him. The emptiness from his lack of presence was like that of Yakuro's death.

The qualifying round began, and instead of adrenaline or positive thrill, the noises evoked an energy inside you that was difficult to describe.
You lifted your head up with your typical apathetic expression, but with a slight frown. Miya was going to skate alongside Adam, instead of moping, it'd be better to at least keep an eye on the friends that still haven't left yet.

Adam and miya were having a conversation that you couldn't hear, you lifted up your wrists and squeezed hard against them. The pain was no longer there but the marks could still be felt underneath your sleeves. Out of the corner of your eye, Adam seemed to be doing the same gesture, how curious. He had this expression that was reminiscent.
Your focus was lost as soon as the race started. When it was your groups turn to go, you checked your phone one more time. There was still no reply, so you whipped your sorrow with the chill of the wind.
As soon as you left Langa's side, that's when a suspicious masked and cloaked group decided to make a move on him.

"Good, now that rain is gone, we can get rid of that rookie." The likely leader said.
"Lets make sure joe wins. "

They surrounded Langa when it was his groups turn, much to his shock.

"Not so safe without your partner are ya rookie?" One of them mocked.

Joe looked back with a frown.
"Playing foul huh? "

But thankfully langa didn't neef his help.
Langa had watched your parkour skating long enough to copy them himself, and took care of all 5 of those men with ease.

Joe was surprised but glad.

You waited at the finish line for them, having beat everyone in your group fairly quickly so that you could watch langa on the screen. It was surprising to see how well he managed without you, you always assumed that you had to watch over him.

'Was this one of the reason reki was so upset?' You thought to yourself.
'Did i really not pay enough attention to him? Of course i didn't, that's why we fought. But... could the fight have been avoided if i had just done better?'

You pondered to yourself, not noticing that Joe and langa had made it.
Langa was long over at you, somehow for the first time in his vision, you were mixed into the crowd. He waited for you to run up and give him a hug or a pat, but you just stood there with an unsure expression. He gripped his chest, feeling oddly lonely underneath the light. He too was starting to feel a familiar emptiness that was once left by someone close to him, and his eyes fogged like yours.
A hand had clasped his shoulder and he quickly turned around thinking it was reki. As soon as you heard the name and voice, you finally snapped from your thinking and looked in fear as Adam had put his hands on Langa.

"That was truly lovely, my snow!"

You quickly moved your feet to get him out of the creep's grasp.

Adam was caressing his hand only for a minute, until you pulled langa away from him and stepped in between. Langa was thankful but ran out of energy to react, now he was the one stuck pondering as you took the lead. You held onto the hand that Adam was holding and held your free arm in a cautious defensive form.
You stared suspiciously at Adam with your apathetic face, but the red matador didn't waver. Instead, he took the arm you were shielding yourself with and had his fingers trace your forearm all the way to your knuckles, but not before tickling your wrists.
You suddenly felt too shocked and confused to respond, as Adam then grabbed your hand with one of his and held it palm up, the other traced over the only part of your wrist revealed.

"Of course none of those people were worthy of either of you, I could hardly say that you even needed to participate in this round to show you were qualified Rain. Its no surprise that the only one worthy of you two are me~"
He pulled your wrist closer and stroked the inner side of your arm with his gloves fingers, oddly enough it was very gentle.

"Do you always speak as if you're close to people?" You asked, maintaining composure.
If you were to quickly pull your hand away, it would show that Adam had the ability to bother you, and that would be a weakness.

Adam simply smiled a smile that, this time, looked more solemn and sympathetic somehow. His finger strokes on your arm and wrist turned into caressing and it made you want to pull away even more.

"I know for a fact that you and I are close, in more ways than you think, my beloved rain. "

You finally pulled your hand away as soon as Adam lightened his grip on you, and you proceeded to pull langa with you.
"Alright, that's about as much weirdness as i can take."

Adam 's expression didn't change, instead his hands stayed gently reaching out to the space your hand had left, and moving them to touch at his own wrist.

The other stars of S made it through with ease, after the whole shock with Adam, you felt awakened enough to pay attention to the rest of the other skaters. A good thing as there was a sudden mysterious new skater that swiftly went past shadow.

"Reki?" Langa muttered as he looked at the screen.
"No. Afraid not." Your answered back.

That was very clearly a different man, one that beat shadow with ease and made a whole new record.

Miya said his name was snake.

You honestly didn't care, because it didn't feel right at all being at S without reki. Even with all the noise, the world just felt quiet when reki wouldn't so much as greet you good morning or even look at you anymore.

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