Snow, Rain, and cat boy Part 2

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You were at home again, looking at your sketches of wolf heads that Reki never used, replacing them with a yeti.
You gripped your fist in the air, disappointed at the unused art.

Your phone then dinged, a text from Reki, he was asking you to come and help Langa practice.
You mentally groaned, knowing you'd have to leave your comfy bed.

You were in some black sweat pants and an undershirt, with nothing but a lamp on in your room.
Why are they practising so late? Night time is when the earth is quiet and there is no one to bother you, except these boys apparently.
You want to take back your thought of them being like Yakuro but something in the back of your head told you that Yakuro would nag you until you went out, not like your mother but nagging like an extrovert.
The thought brought a small smirk to your lips.

You inhaled, them pushed yourself or of the covers, exhaling as you quickly found some clothes. It was late, your mother was in her room watching her late night shows and your father was asleep in his room.
Everyone in your household had their own room, your family may have bickered but what they all agreed on was a place for each to be alone. It was sad but true.
So sneaking out was no trouble so long as you didn't make a sound.

You put on something dark as usual but also to not be seen, and went to open your window, hoping no neighbors were up.

(This is your quick slip on outfit)

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(This is your quick slip on outfit)

You grabbed your phone, then your board, which was leaning on the wall in front of your bed as usual. You then hesitated from the thought, but then decided to take the pocket knife in your drawer for safety. It was night time, and you were still an adolescent girl.
The knife was closed but you could still imagine the slivers of rust, while very thin, still noticeable as you tried not to think about it, putting everything in your pocket and hands.
Gingerly trying to open the window quietly, you slipped outside into the cold, luminous night and walked a good distance before skating the rest of the way to find your goofy friends.

Reki sent a few pictures of their location, leading you to a parking lot place, you saw the boys on the stairwell and picked up speed as they waved at you.
You sped in just in time to catch Langa as he rounded a pillar and tripped over a crack in the ground. Unfortunately you both feel in the process since his tripping caused you to slip on your momentum and tumble. Not enough to hurt, but really bothersome.

You two groaned as you held Langa by his forearm and shoulder, Reki skated over to you guys.
"You guys alright?" He asked.

Langa groaned as you adjusted yourself, checking your arms and then looking at him, deciding to fix his hair.
"I think so." Langa replied weakly in a rasp.
"No injuries here, maybe a scratch but not noticeable." You added in as you brushed Langa's hair down.

His face went from in pain to calmed down as he leaned closer to your touch. Reki was feeling jealous of this scene so brine the short moment.

"This is the same place you bailed earlier, is there a crack or something?" He looked at the ground, hiding his jealousy, with hands in his pockets.

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