Curtain call

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Reki and the rest of the group were shocked, as the crowd cheered they tried to speculate the scene on the tv.
Shadow knew you and Yakuro used to try some crazy creative stunts, but he thought you'd have forgotten after a year of grief. Cherry and Joe were simply amazed.

Cherry watched the screen calmly yet inquisitivly. "I've never seen techniques like that before."
Joe stood beside him with visible emotions on his face.
"A freak and twister, these kids are insane."

Adams assistant witnessed all this from a car that no one would spot.
He could see a still standing Adam, unmoved from his place and in the ground instead of his board. Like he was contemplating something.
"I found you. Both of you, finally." He whispered as he drew a hand to cover his eyes as his feet began to tap aggressively in a rhythmic tune.

"Finally" he whispered, red eyes were revealed. "I have found them, chosen ones worthy, of being, my true, eve."

He sped off at a disturbing speed.

As you and Langa flew by the rest of the race track, you felt a deep sensation of joy. A weight was lifted and you felt more awake, first your passion was re-unlocked and now another hidden lock was opened.
This race couldn't get any better.

Then another blue petal was cut by wind from the flower in your hair, quickly flying in front of your face and then swept back as another blue of the same shade flew past you and Langa again.

Langa turned around to see him sliding and grabbing others for hard turns. He glared at him, why did Adam have to show up and ruin the moment between you and him again?

"Peekaboo" Adam said in a menacing voice, eyes glowing red from within the mask. He continued as they began to glow into something different, something that revealed an addiction.
"I have no doubt you two can make it."

You and Langa groaned as a strange wave of mixed feelings echoed through your bodies to your chests.

"My chest!" Langa groaned as he clutched his, he gave you a worried glance.

You were in such a confusing wave of discomfort that your face contorted into one of wincing pain, yet you couldn't clutch your chest. You were slightly stuck somehow.

"Y/n! He's drawing me in!" Langa called out to you, almost asking for help.

"I can't.. Do anything... I'm stuck too.." You mustered out with the constricting pain.

Langa threw back a deep glare to the man speeding in front of you two, as you lowered your a bit in the process of wincing from the strange pressure.

Joe and cherry gave concerning glance from the audience.

Joe: "woah, looks like he's going toe to toe against them."

Miya sweated nervously looking at the screens. "The speed is getting way too fast, if one of them wobbles even a little..."

Shadow: "it's too late to pull out now. Let's just hope y/n managed to stop wobbling after her flips."

Reki didn't have any words other than a concerned one.

The three of you turned and swayed in the tunnel, you managed an easy flip and were tied with Adam, Langa just a little behind.
You landed with a hard clat as Adam followed you, Langa hitting the ground harder than he expected to try and get keep an eye on Adam.

"Langa! Careful!" You commented after the noise. 

He lifted his head from the shock and went back to rhythmic speed.

In the normal speed all three of you were going, the air became stiff and heavy, and then everything around you turned dark. You couldn't even hear the usual trees and rocks anymore. It was a technologic-like wind.
Adam was glowing a red light, Langa has a blue light, you yourself had this foggy grey light.
Rainbow colors flew past and reflected in your eyes, a beautiful sight. You lost your sudden agony. Then you blinked and things were suddenly back to normal.

What was that?

The sudden police sirens in the distance cut your time to question it. A black car pulled up next to Adam as you all had to slow down.
Adam stood confidently as usual, the window of the car pulling down next to him.
A familiar man spoke to him.
"Police are here, please get in."

The car and Adam skidded to a stop, he gracefully strutted to it as he turned to look at the two of you.

He used his usual demeaning cooing voice.
"Little Langa, little y/n~ I will insist on seeing you two once more. We shall love again~" he sang in a little tune.

All before he went in the car and rode off from the area.
You and Langa were then flashed by the lights of a police car before also having to leave, unable to comprehend Adam'sc questionable words.
Reki came to save your sorry butts as he arrived with a bike. Langa got on and you grabbed his arm while still on your board. You three then sped off as well.

All 3 hid by the lower steps of a stair case as the police passed. You adjusted and fixed the bandages on Reki's hand. 
"You shouldn't have don't that." You softly said.

"She's right, you're a mess." Langa added.

"Yeah and you guys are like a junkyard." Reki retorted.

You simply stared, unable to think of s comeback. Langa waited for Reki to back up his claim.

"I thought you were cautious y/n, What were you thinking?" Reki said as he grabbed your hand gently. "Doing back flips like that, jumping over Adam, You even got Langa to jump over him too. You said you'd be careful."
Reki said with a disappointed tone, but with a sorrowful look.

Langa also looked a bit regretful, it was just a rush of instinct. He thought that if you could do it, then maybe he could too.

You looked down with guilt, then lifted your head back up with a memory in your eyes from older days. You interlocked your fingers with Reki's to show him You were serious, but that might've been a miscommunication as he just blushed.
"I.. No, you're right I should've been more rational. It's just, it was the best move I had, I used to do it all the time. All that adrenaline I felt back there, I haven't felt in awhile, so it seemed like the right time to pick it up again."

You gave Reki a deep look in the eyes. Unbeknownst to you, he already heard from shadow how you knew that trick. He furrowed his eyes, wondering who taught someone as cautious and rational as you, something so dangerous.

Langa, trying to remember what he felt in his chest, also added.
"My gut was just telling me to do what y/n did, it just felt right. I trusted her, so I thought why not."

Reki looked at the two of you in confusion, his eyes darted between you and Langa, then to the flower that still remained in your hair.

He clenched his jaw.
"Well, either way, you two didn't get hurt and that's what matters."

He gripped your hand tighter as he took the flower from your hair, frowning at it. You watched as he crushed it in his hand and let it fall to the ground. He let go off your hand and stomped on it, then his face finally went back to normal.
He turned to face you and Langa with his usual chipper face, stretching.

"Welp! I'm hungry, let's go get ramen!" He sighed as he pulled you up without hesitation.

You looked down at Langa, wondering if he still remembers the feeling.
He understood your glance and got up to not worry Reki. The three of you walked together through the night, two of you curious about what you saw or... Felt during that race.

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