Chapter 3

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*Train to Edinburgh, Scotland*

Reading was a great pastime. Time flew when you were submerged in a book - there was no concept of time.

But train rides were also long and regret soon befell me over drinking tea before departure.

I nipped to the bathroom quickly and then checked myself over in the large mirrors, the train jittering around me. My red hair was wavy and pinned back, hanging over each shoulder to just below my bust. I wore an oxblood skirt with a black blouse - high-neck with an enamel brooch. Piercing green eyes stared back at me, blossom lips and a clear, ivory face. I had always been told I looked like my mother - Emerson and Theodore inherited Papa's hair, nose and face but their mother's hazel eyes.

Boarding the train had been more simplistic than expected. I got up early, signed out of the guest house and carried my bags to the station where I checked in and bought a ticket under the name 'Ada Carne'.

Mrs Fraser would've told Emerson everything so I wanted to be untraceable, even by Theodore who could find anyone.

Ada was the nickname my mother gave me and Carne was her birth name. If I avoided people and lay low, I would be able to get to Cornwall without either of my brothers knowing.

As I returned to my carriage, I frowned at the new face who sat opposite my seat, reading my book.

"Excuse me?" I said calmly, the door closing behind me as he looked at me.

A young man with hazy blue eyes and brown hair hung over his ears (clearly in need of a haircut), beamed a little enthusiastically. "Ah, my carriage partner! Wonderful to meet you."

"Carriage...partner?" I shook my head. "I specifically asked for no one to share with me..."

"And I specifically asked to share with someone so it looks like I won..." He smiled smugly, leaning back and putting his feet up as I put my hands on my hips, scowling at him. He glanced at me, suddenly aware that I had gone silent or my dagger eyes were burning a hole through him. "What?"

"You're an idiot..."

I snatched the book back from him and sat down in my seat opposite, kicking his legs away which had stretched too far. "That's not a nice thing to say..."

His posh accent had taken me aback because it didn't match his casual demeanour. "I don't care..."

"That's not the sort of attitude I would expect from someone like..." He eyed me up and I frowned.

"Like who?"

"A lady?"

"Just who do you think..."

He shot his hand out instantly and I leaned back. "Louis Hatton, lovely to meet you..." He cut me off, putting his hand out in introduction but I swatted it away.

"I never asked for your name nor do I care..."

He frowned. "But you just..."

"Stay on your side, do not talk to me and do not touch my things." I leaned back, opening Wuthering Heights and holding it up over my face to avoid looking at the abomination of a man before me.

"Will you at least give me your name?" He asked.

"Giving you my name gives you permission to address and talk to me, which you do not have..." I returned to my book and he fixed his jacket, pulling it from the front as he crossed his leg.

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now