Chapter 9

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*Dunfermline, Fife, Scotland*

"Ow!" Louis had fallen, grasping his jaw and I let out a sigh of relief.

"It's only you..." I said, exhaling deeply as he looked at me in horror.

"Why would you do that?"

"I thought you were someone else!" I winced, apologising wholeheartedly as I helped him up. "Sorry..."

He raised his eyebrows, a smirk befalling his, only seconds before, injured face. "Are you... apologising to me?" I rolled my eyes. "I was here last night. I came knocking because a girl named Mary Ross was looking for me."

I frowned. "That was you?"

"You heard me and did nothing?"

"I came to the door! No one was there!"

"You took too long! I left after three tries!"

Before I could reply, Archibald and Mary returned and Louis noticed them. "You have a friend?" Archibald asked, holding the bowl of chicken soup as Mary handed me the blanket.

"This is the infamous Louis..." I introduced him and he greeted the minister and his daughter who introduced themselves too.

"So, you're the famous Mary Ross who has been asking about me?" Louis asked the little girl and she nodded, beaming with pride.

"You have no idea how happy we are to see you! Ada has been looking everywhere for you!"

"Has she now?" Louis teased, turning to me and I scowled at him.

"And I can see why..." Mary eyed him up and I was startled by this child's upfronts. "He is very handsome." She whispered, her hand extended to the left of her mouth as if she was trying to only talk to me. Louis blushed, as I awkwardly laughed and Archibald remanded his daughter.

"How about you two..." Archibald gestured to Louis and me. "Tell me what exactly happened..."

So we did, not even waiting for the other to finish as Louis and I spoke over each other, adding in the fine details of the fact that I was attacked and almost drowned by a man who was hunting Louis.

Archibald suddenly raised his hand, his eyes closed. "I think that's enough for now..."

"Did you catch any of that?" Mary asked him and he nodded, turning to us but there was suddenly a loud, thunderous knock on the door.

"Police!" A voice came from the other side and it was now officially time to panic,

"Mary...take them to the attic..." Archibald said nothing more as Mary grabbed my hand and led me away, Louis, following us.

"Attic?" I asked as Mary took us to the living quarters and down into the cellar.

"Hiding place..." Mary stated as we arrived at the living quarters. She led us up some stairs stopping at a wall as she pressed a panel, the wall moving to reveal a tight hiding space. "In there. It looks small, but is quite roomy."

I shook my head, but hearing voices from the officers who were close to the living quarters, had me grab Louis and pull him into the hiding space, Mary closing the wall behind us.

It was dark - a small sliver of light from the gap in the wall was all the light, but Louis and I were practically pressed up against each other.

I had never been this close to a man before.

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now