Chapter 13

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*Edinburgh, Scotland*

"We can confirm a body was found."

Those words - oh, how I had lived to hear those words.

The hitman was dead - the bowler-hat man could no longer hurt us.

I looked at Louis and hugged him, relief sweeping through us but I tensed and silently winced at the pain that ran through me.

"This is great news!" Louis exclaimed and the police officer looked at us, his eyebrows raised. "He tried to kill us."

"I see..." The officer nodded, scribbling something down in his notebook. "You two will have to come to the station to give a statement?"

"Right now?" I asked, fearful that they might find out who I am.

"Yes..." He snapped his fingers at two officers who came over to us, separating Louis and me.

"I'll meet you back in the room!" Louis called as he was taken to a carriage and I to another one.

As I sat inside, the officers were talking to each other outside before they joined me. "Am I under arrest?" I asked because this would be the perfect time to tell them who I really was and who my brother is if I was.

"No, ma'am..." The driver assured me but I wasn't relaxing just yet. "We just need to ask you some questions about what happened here tonight."

They muttered with themselves a bit more before whipping the reins as the carriage began to move.

This could be bad or good - I had to be optimistic.


I was in pain, agonising pain.

Nothing serious had happened at the police station - I had told them what had happened and that I did not know why the hitman was after us, emphasising that this wasn't the first time we had come face-to-face with him. While they had asked me about the cut on my neck and the injury to the back of my head, I didn't let them know they were bad or painful as going to the hospital meant I'd have to tell them who I really was in order to get treatment and seeing as I was wanted for murder in St. Andrews, I didn't want to be arrested just yet, even though the police who interviewed me said and indicated nothing.

The entire interrogation had taken a maximum of two hours and they offered to take me back to Newhaven so I could rest for the night

"What about Louis?" I asked as I boarded a carriage and they assured me that he would be released in due course.

I had been in the room now for what had seemed like a few hours and the adrenaline rush plus the pain that emitted through me was making it impossible to sleep.

I headed down to the back alley of the boarding house and filled up four buckets of water, carrying two up to the room and putting them on the fire to warm up, before returning for the final two. I placed hot stones under the bath and poured the water in once it was a reasonable temperature, before taking a dip, keeping the bath behind the wicker screen in case Louis came back but at least I washed, the bathwater stinging at my injuries.

As I stepped out of the bath, a robe I had found in the room, wrapped around me, I stood in front of a mirror to better inspect what had been afflicted onto me.

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang