Chapter 39

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*Belgravia, London*

Getting back to London without detection was easier said than done.

I kept my head low as we reached Nottingham station and we waited for our train. It was still dark out - only one train would be arriving for us before 6 am and I lay down on a bench to try and get some shut-eye as my stomach grumbled from lack of nourishment.

Florence purchased a bag of nuts from a food vendor at Nottingham Station but it didn't do enough to salvage my hunger.

As the train pulled into the station, we grabbed our seats Florence made small talk to keep me distracted but all I could think about was sleep and food. The sun was rising by the time we got back. I napped slightly on the train ride but it was not enough and my lack of nourishment was also getting to me.

As we arrived in London, we kept our heads down and smuggled ourselves through St Pancras, avoiding the officers on patrol.

Florence was stopped by one but she assured me that if that happened, she had to keep going as they would not stop her for suspicious behaviour but rather to inquire about something else.

Florence eventually caught up to me as I waited for her in an alley and we eventually arrived in Belgravia.

Gideon answered the door as we entered and I apologised to both him and Agatha for running off but they were grateful that I was well.

Emerson...not so much.

He raged - naturally - over why I would do something so stupid and how he would have me hauled off to Holloway just for running out like that. I sat sheepishly, my head down as he paced before me, angry that I could be so careless as Charlotte and Florence stood together, waiting for him to calm down before speaking up.

"She saved the Earl's life..." Florence remarked eventually and Emerson looked at her. "She risked her life for his and I think that is worth something."

Emerson groaned, looking at me but I avoided eye contact. "And I'm supposed to ignore the fact that she ran away again?"

"No...of course not..." Charlotte said as she came to him. "What she did was reckless and dangerous and we would never forgive ourselves if something happened to her..." Charlotte scolded me in such a gentle way that I couldn't take it seriously. "But...she is safe and well and she saved someone's life."

Emerson couldn't argue with logic no matter how hard he tried. He reluctantly groaned and told me to go to bed and I didn't argue with that.

Despite being exhausted, I ran up the stairs to my room. While my walls were still plastered with yarn and papers, I cleared off the mess on my bed, kicked off my boots and went straight to bed.

And sleep came quickly.


Theodore arrived by the time I woke up in the early afternoon and he explained to me everything after I had left.

"The Hattons...were informed over everything. The Earl was taken to a hospital to be checked over but he is well. Clinton was also taken to the hospital to be checked over by medical staff due to Florence's gunshot..." He looked at her and she seemed unbothered. "He has been formally arrested and is being brought back to London. His family have been informed as have the family of the hitman. His body is in a mortuary in Nottingham and will be released in due course."

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora