Chapter 18

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*Glasgow/Dumbarton, Scotland*

At Glasgow station, I was on a mission.

That seemed to be a recurring thing with me.

I first asked around for someone who could get down to the docks and inquire about the boat I should be departing on as I needed to know how much time I had to find Louis.

"In the morning,'" A young boy I had paid some money to informed me and I frowned. "There's an issue with the goods, but the captain said those with tickets can come on board until departure."

I had a place to stay at least.

All I had to do was wait - Louis would come eventually.

Unless, of course, he had been charged for whatever it was he was accused of.

Or, he had been found out and was being sent back to Nottingham.

But he promised to get me home and I sure as hell was going to make sure he abided by it after our argument. 

So, I waited for him at Glasgow station.

Passengers came and went and as another train docked, there was no sign of Louis.

A clock hung over the platform and I watched the minutes tick by.

And it turned into hours.

I headed to the bathroom, my stomach rumbling with hunger as I went to a kiosk and purchased a sandwich and tea, returning to my seat on the platform and getting ready to greet Louis.

He had to come - he knew I was waiting.

He didn't abandon me when I said all of those terrible things to him in Edinburgh and he even apologised.

I did too - well was going to until he was taken by the officers.

I was a bit harsh, telling him I should never have saved him from the hitman.

But why was I so angry at him over all of this?

You were hurt when you thought he would leave.

Not true, brain.

You didn't want him to leave you because you've grown attached to him.

That's not even remotely correct.

But...he did save my life in the warehouse and he tended to my wounds in a very, intimate way.

My brothers would be furious if they found out and a duel would highly likely take place. Either Theodore would come guns blazing or Emerson would say nothing but throw down his glove in front of Louis.

My cheeks flushed red thinking about how intimate it was - his fingertips brushed my skin. My bare back was fully exposed for him and one movement in the wrong direction, and I would have shown everything. But the way he spoke to me at that moment, how delicate he was tending to my wounds and how I turned my head to him, our faces so close.

Admit it now and make your life easier.


I might have a soft spot for him. I worried for him in Dunfermline that I changed my course of action to save him. I saved his life on that train by crying out loud.

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now