Chapter 5

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*Fife, Scotland*

This was a bad idea.

This was a bad idea.

This was a bad idea.

This would be how my life ended before it had begun.

I was going to break my legs and possibly my back.

I landed in the fields with a thud and rolled down them, keeping my arms crossed against my chest as I continued to tumble down, very ungracefully.

I had no idea if Louis had followed me.

I stopped, lying with my back against the grass and looking up at an overcast sky.

I was too afraid to move anything just yet.

The sound of tumbling came from the left and I turned to see Louis rolling down too. He had not listened to me in keeping his arms close and looked like he had injured himself.

He stopped, a few feet from my head and I took several deep breaths, watching as the train disappeared into the tunnel.

"We survived!" Louis said, exhaling deeply and I nodded. No pain in the neck then. "Are you alright?" Louis asked, suddenly concerned for my well being.

"I'm fine..." I sat up, slight pain on my left side but nothing that would render me useless. I brushed off the grass and petals from my clothes as Louis did the same. His ivory suit was covered in mud and grass stains as he groaned to get up. "Are you hurt?"

"No..." He shook his head, kneeling over as I got up too. "Just...I can't believe we did that and survived."

"'re welcome..." I grumbled, pulling grass out of my hair.

"We jumped out of a moving train..." Louis said slowly, realizing hitting over what we had actually done.

"We made it!"

"We almost died!"

"We're alive!"

"We jumped out of a moving train!"

His repeated words made me realise he was in shock and I sighed. "Look, we are alive and a hitman is no longer trying to slaughter you." I looked to the sky to determine coordinates, to determine where I needed to go. "Can you please be a little more grateful?"

"We could've died!" Louis reiterated and I groaned.

"But we didn't! And you didn't have to follow me!" I cried in defence as I started to walk west, determining my directions from the placement of the sun. "The only person who is allowed to be upset is me. Helping you, which I am regretting as each moment goes by, threw a spanner in my own plans. We are still in Scotland and I need to get home to Cornwall."

"No-one asked you to help me..." Louis grumbled and I turned, swinging my arm to hit him in the torso as he fell backwards from the force. "Hey!"

"I really, really should've left you to be killed by that man."

I marched on as Louis jumped up, running to catch up. "Look...I never asked for this. Someone was trying to kill me."

"And I suppose it is not a shortlist?" I replied sarcastically as he fake laughed. "Have you done something to someone? Said something?" Louis shook his head. "There has to be something. No one goes through the trouble of killing without a reason!"

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now