Chapter 31

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*Belgravia, London*

In the upstairs family room of the townhouse, Charlotte was sitting reading.

She wanted to pass the time, to be distracted from what was happening with Adelaide.

Florence was arranging flowers in a vase in Theodore's study - a hobby she had picked up on when in Cornwall by Violet Carne Woodhouse. The townhouse was always filled with fresh bouquets of flowers, put together by Florence herself with flowers grown on the terrace or brought from Covent Garden Flower Market.

Emerson found his wife and sat with her, Charlotte smiling at him.

"I know what Agnes said today might hurt..." He said to her and Charlotte closed her book, turning to him. "You love going to those ladies lunches and it isn't right that she decides who goes and who does not. Everyone adores you there."

"I do not mind..." Charlotte replied. "I never knew Agnes had such horrible beliefs. I would never have invited her over here otherwise and I would've cut her off sooner."

"I'm sorry you have lost a friend..." Emerson was sympathetic but Charlotte shrugged her shoulders.

"She was no friend of mine, for she did not care for those I care about..." Charlotte reached up to her husband's face, stroking it. "I hope this does not cause you too much scandal."

He laughed, his arm going around his wife and pulling her towards him. "It seems to be a Woodhouse will always be scandalous."

"But at least we have each other?"

Emerson smiled at her and nodded. "Indeed we do..." He leaned forward, kissing her passionately and Charlotte smiled. He leaned down to kiss her neck and Charlotte bit her lip, giggling as his hands traced her body.

"My love..." She whispered and he pulled away. "We must not."

"Then tonight you will be mine..." He stated and Charlotte nodded, kissing him again as they leaned back on the sofa, in each other's company.

The front door opened and they sat up, looking at each other, before hurrying out of the room and down the stairs.

In the parlour on the ground floor, Theodore stood by the window as a red-haired lady was crouched before the fire, wearing a man's jacket and a poofy blue dress. 

"Adelaide!" Charlotte cried, delight flooding her to see the girl who had become her sister in every way.

"Charlotte..." Adelaide Woodhouse stood up and hugged her sister-in-law, breaking down in tears as the idea of being at home had been only but a dream after so much.

Someone came running down the stairs and flew into the room, relief sweeping through her as her hands came to her stomach and chest.

"Adelaide!" Florence was overcome with emotion as she joined in on the hug with Charlotte and all that was felt was relief and happiness.

Theodore smiled at them, happy to have everyone back together but he looked at Emerson who cleared his throat, forcing the ladies apart.

"You have some explaining to do..." Emerson said calmly to Adelaide and she looked at Theodore who shook his head.

"It has been a long day for everyone. She needs rest and food..." He replied but Emerson snapped his gaze to his brother.

"She has been running across the country like a mad woman! We need to know what was going through that head of hers if anything was!"

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now