Chapter 40

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*Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex*

The Hatton family packed up their home and made the move south to Sussex for some peace and quiet.

Herstmonceux Castle was bought by the former Earl and restored to its former glory and it was the perfect place for the Hatton family to retreat after an exhaustive few months.

In the days that followed their arrival, friends wanted to greet them but Louis refused any visitors. His sister needed time to gather her thoughts after the trauma she experienced in the betrayal and he vowed to give that to her for as long as she needed it.

Dr Woodhouse had travelled to Rufford Abbey with an envoy while Louis was taken to the hospital to recover and informed the Hatton family of what happened and Louis's whereabouts. The family had not known a betrayal so big but were relieved that Louis was all right.

Christina was broken, though she would never admit it. The engagement was officially broken off and she began the journey of rebuilding herself after the betrayal. The Clintons reached out to the Hattons but all attempts were rejected. Gradually, what remained of the Clinton family was shunned from society and they headed for Europe.

Lawyers representing the Hatton Family came for the Clinton case - the entire family writing separate statements to condemn Clinton for the crimes he committed against them. Louis tracked the case in the papers to keep himself up-to-date on all proceedings and when the words that Adelaide had been exonerated from the crimes in St Andrews were spread across the papers as well as Clinton being found guilty and sentenced to 20 years in prison, relief was all he felt. He was proud of Adelaide - her name printed as Ada Carne - the genius young lady with fiery red hair and the spirit of a firecracker who saved the Earl's life.

But Louis knew the truth.

Riding a horse around the castle grounds, Louis returned to the stables to find Octavia, petting Maid Marian gently, who was back from Cheltenham. "How long have you been waiting here?" He asked her, climbing down from the saddle as Octavia turned to him.

"I'm making friends..." She smiled, looking at him as Louis led Locksley back into his stall. "Christina told me you might be out here. I wanted to talk to you..."

"Right now?" Louis looked around and Octavia nodded.

"This whole...charade is over..." She waved her hand and Louis frowned.

"I'm not following..."

Octavia approached him. "This whole 'Clinton is out to get you' and the joyride across the country. It's all over and we're all back to normal..." She spoke to him as if she was asking a question and Louis nodded, which brought a delight to her eyes. "Excellent. I've arranged for you to meet my father before the end of the summer."

"What?" Louis was startled but Octavia ignored him, pacing before him.

"There will be much to discuss, but it's not like you have to convince him of anything..." She explained. "Oh, make sure you have some port!"

"Octavia..." Louis started and she faced him. "Why am I meeting your father?"

She laughed, convinced he was teasing but the seriousness in his face told her otherwise. "You're being serious?" She sighed, approaching him and taking his hands. " need to meet my father formally for us to be betrothed."

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now