Chapter 19

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*On a boat through the Irish Sea/St Ives, Cornwall*

I held Louis Hatton and didn't want to let go.

I felt happiness and relief to see him. His arms were around me too, wrapped around my waist as the comfort of being in his arms was beyond anything I had ever experienced.

"Are you happy to see me?" He teased and I nodded, but then remembering my place, pulled away slowly. My hands remained on him as he remained on mine, our faces close together as we smiled.

"How are you here?" I stepped away suddenly and he seemed taken aback, running a hand through his hair. The stubble on his jawline was growing and his eyes were tired but still had a familiar sparkle behind them. "How did you get here?"

"They arrested me because they thought I was pretending to be the Earl of Nottingham..." He explained and I raised my eyebrows. "I was interrogated but I managed to convince them of my identity. My luggage from the train arrived at Edinburgh and they went through the bag as I identified the items, even finding my identity papers..." He patted his pocket. "I've sent my stuff back to Nottingham and the officers brought me to Dumbarton so I could get the boat."

"You didn't go home..." I questioned and he shook his head.

"I made a promise and I'm going to keep it..." His voice was soft and I felt touched by his kindness and I saw from his expression something was coming. "Ada..."

"No..." I came to him, my hand raised to stop him from talking. "I know what you are going to say but it is me that should be apologising to you..." I said. "I was rude and harsh and it was wrong of me to say what I did. I...respect that you are helping me get home, even if I didn't ask for it. It's kind and thoughtful and I'm..." I hesitated, unsure where I was going. "I'm thankful forever more."

"I didn't want to offend you or hurt you..." Louis came to me slowly and I felt my heart skip a beat. "I just wanted to help you get home as you helped me time and time again which I am forever grateful for. I never expected to be the princess in this story..."

I laughed. "Princess? So who am I?"

"My knight in shining armour, who swept in to save me..." He was right in front of me, my heart was fluttering at his words.

"Don't I need a noble steed?" I asked, continuing this flirtation and he smirked.

"That's what this ship is."

"You saved me too, remember?" I pointed out. "How will I ever repay you?" I teased, reminding him of my words from the room, before the fire.

My bare body before him as he touched me gently and delicately, tending to my injuries.

I still remember the touch, his breath on my neck - and it was replaying again.

He turned to the crook of my neck as I tilted my head, his warm breath on me as I felt myself melting at his touch.

"We're now even...unless you want something..."

You want him. You want him to touch you and caress you and take you and enlighten you and send you to euphoria and beyond.

For once, and I hated to admit it, my mind was telling the truth.

The door behind us opened and we jumped apart. "Sorry..." A crewman said, looking away in embarrassment at what he had interrupted. "Just checking for stowaways. Ticket sir?"

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now