Chapter 23

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*Belgravia/Scotland Yard, London*

Adelaide left St Andrews.

Louis left St. Andrews.

Both caught the same train for Edinburgh.

Both jumped from the train near Dunfermline after a man tried to kill Louis.

Both travelled to Edinburgh where the same man was found dead in a warehouse fire - reports from witnesses state that two people matching Adelaide and Louis's description were present.

Both caught a train to Glasgow - only Adelaide boarded.

Adelaide - seen in Glasgow boarding a ship.

Louis's whereabouts remain unknown.

Florence went through her notebook, sitting on the window bench of the townhouse.

All the notes she had made of the case were on those pages but she had hit a dead end.

Adelaide and Louis's whereabouts were unknown and frustration didn't even begin to explain how Florence was feeling.

Theodore was still in Scotland and he had not heard anything.

But Florence knew she was missing something - she just didn't know what.

The front doorbell chimed and Florence jumped, heading to the landing to eavesdrop.

Maybe it was Theodore to give her some news?

Maybe it was Adelaide after finally getting some sense knocked into her?

But the man on the other side of the door was a stranger.

"I'm afraid Dr Woodhouse is unavailable right now. May I take a message?" Gideon spoke to the man as he stood in the foyer.

If someone was here to see Theodore, then Florence knew she could help.

"It's all right..." Florence descended the stairs, making her presence known. "Maybe I can be of assistance?" She stopped before the man, in a dark blue suit with brocade ivory and grey cravat, a gold chain from a pocket watch against his waistcoat. In his hands, he held a top hat, revealing his thick head of brown hair as Florence smiled at him, remaining on the bottom step. "Florence Moore. I am Dr Woodhouse's secretary." She put her hand out, greeting him and he took it.

"Michael Clinton, the Viscount Keeling..." He replied and I nodded.

"Gideon. Maybe a spot of tea for our guest?" Florence said, gesturing to Clinton to follow her into the guest parlour.

Clinton shook his head as Gideon disappeared. "Oh no, I'm not staying..."

Florence faced him. "Of course. So, what can I help you with, Lord Keeling?"

"I've come on an errand for the Hatton family of Nottingham? I'm an old family friend."

Florence nodded, her eyes opening wide. "Yes, of course. I was planning on visiting them this weekend with some updates. I tried telephoning them but the operator couldn't connect the line."

"Well...I told them I would be here in London so I could get the updates for them. Any news?"

Florence pouted, tilting her head. "Well...we've unfortunately lost track of the Earl's whereabouts."

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now