Chapter 17

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*Edinburgh/Glasgow, Scotland*

Returning to Edinburgh, Theodore was greeted by Chief Inspector Leslie who escorted him through the town. "We have had confirmation of a red-haired lass and a dark-haired fella here. Got a room together in Newhaven - said they were married..."

Theodore choked on his breath, horrified by his words. He wasn't exactly a prude when it came to relationships but he also didn't like the idea of his sister sharing a room with a stranger.

"Do you know why?" Theodore asked, trying to mask his discomfort.

Leslie shrugged his shoulders as they walked the streets of Edinburgh, heading towards Newhaven. A dark-haired man collided with Theodore suddenly, his shoulder jabbing him in the chest. "My greatest apologies." The man replied, continuing on as Theodore turned, watching him leave.

"Rude young man..." Theodore muttered as he ran a hand down his chest before continuing on to Newhaven.

The docks were still a no-go zone, police tape keeping people away as others tried to peer over the officers standing guard. Wood was smouldering, the smell of burnt alcohol in the air as the constable lifted the police tape, allowing Theodore to enter.

"They were here when this happened..." Leslie replied. "We took them in for questioning and let them go. We got your telegram only minutes later."

Theodore crouched down and studied the remains of the warehouse. "Why were they here?"

"Apparently, the lass had been kidnapped by a man..." The constable explained as Theodore frowned, looking up at him. "The lad saved her. Ran into the fire for her."

"Kidnapped? By who?"


A badly burnt body lay on an autopsy table in the hospital mortuary. A white sheet covered his lower half and Theodore looked at him with disgust and unwarranted sympathy.

"Valentine Scott..." Leslie read the name from the papers, drawn up by the coroner. "Our deceitful transport officer. We checked the log with Dundee and he claimed to be 'Officer Thomas', but we found the real Officer Thomas in a storage room at St.Andrews Station tied up."

"So, who is he?" Theodore asked as the constable went through some of the man's belongings in a paper folder to the side.

"He had identification on him..." Leslie handed a sheet to Theodore. "Born in the Midlands - father of two but divorced. In and out of correctional institutes since the age of 11. Now, working as a hired hit-man..." Leslie tilted his head. "Well...was."

Theodore nodded. "Has his family been informed?"

"Yes. The body will be released to them once we finish our investigation. We still don't know why he was after the Earl."

"And why is Adelaide involved? Why is she risking her life and limb for this man?"

Leslie cleared his throat. "I was...away when this happened. Turns out my officers interviewed her and the Earl after the fire destroyed the warehouse."

"What?" Theodore cried. "And they let her go?"

" did say it had to stay with me..." Leslie remarked as Theodore grumbled. "She's not responsible for this man's death, is she? Because she is already suspected of one murder and two would not look good for her."

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now