Chapter 28

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*Wollaton Hall, Nottingham*

I could hear the orchestra getting ready downstairs. I peered out of the window from my room to see guests arriving.

So many of them.

All dressed to the nines.

I could hear the chatter and laughter of people rising up the corridors and I wish I could tune it all out.

The party was the perfect ploy to leave - no fuss or questions needing to be answered.

I had avoided all of the Hattons since yesterday, choosing to remain in my chambers as Mercy bought breakfast and lunch to me. While Louis had asked for me through Mercy, I told her to tell him, I was not well and would be resting so I had all of my energy for my trip back to London.

A tray of orange juice and grapes arrived soon after, with a note from Louis telling me that he hoped I was well enough to come to the party.

And while it warmed my heart to see he still cared for me, I couldn't go to the party.

All I had to do was get out of here, but not before telling Louis about Clinton and the hitman.

I decided to leave a letter to him and I sat at the small vanity table, scribbling down the words. I would leave the telegram and the letter too;

Dearest Louis,

This was always supposed to happen. I was always meant to leave and we were always supposed to go our separate ways and live separate lives.

That doesn't mean that the time I have spent with you has not been delightful.

I'm returning to London and as I am not very good with goodbyes, particularly with those I care about, this letter will have to suffice. Please find it in your heart to forgive me for leaving so suddenly.

But I also need to tell you this as we will never see each other - I saw Clinton with the hitman that attacked us in Cornwall in Nottingham City Centre. The hitman proceeded to attack me when I followed him and after he got away, I found Clinton and he told me he would sort it out. I know it was wrong of me to also do this - but I went through Clinton's things because I couldn't shake the suspicion that he was up to something and I found the letter you entrusted to him to send to your family. You will find this letter enclosed.

You must also know that my real name is not Ada Carne - it is Adelaide Woodhouse. Yes, that Adelaide Woodhouse who is wanted for the murder of that woman in St Andrews, but believe me when I say that I didn't know about her death until we get to Dunfermline. I'm so sorry for lying to you but know that I wanted to tell you - I just couldn't find the words and I didn't want you to look at me differently.

Louis...I do care about you and I wish you nothing but happiness. Please do not stop being who you are. You are perfect and wonderful and I am grateful for all that you have done for me. You will forever hold a special place in my heart. But also, please be careful of Clinton.

Love, Adelaide.

Was it too emotional? Did I say too much? Did I grovel?

I didn't think about it.

Whether he believed me or not, I had done my part.

I folded the letter up and sealed it, placing Clinton's letter inside as I got ready to leave for London.

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