Ada & The French (Book #2)

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Adelaide 'Ada' Woodhouse is home.

Eight months after the chaos in Nottingham, Adelaide has become somewhat of a celebrity - or at least Ada Carne has. While requests for investigations are put forward, Adelaide is focused on three things; her art, her studies and her family.

And maybe also a certain Earl.

When the Woodhouses travel to Paris for a much-deserved vacation, Adelaide's hopes of exploring the vibrant and culturally rich city are thwarted when she inadvertently finds herself involved and invested in an anarchist group that is targeting the Bourgeoise.

Not only does she get on the wrong side of the Commissioner of the Parisian police, but she catches the eye of a charming Frenchman who thrusts her deeper into the investigation and reunites with Louis Hatton, who seems to have a new lady in his life too, who Adelaide cannot help but adore. To make matters worse, her brother, the great Dr Theodore Woodhouse is, surprisingly, causing all sorts of his own antics across the country, putting the Woodhouse name and reputation into jeopardy once again.

As the anarchist group begins to gain traction, Adelaide finds that no matter how hard she tries to get away from the detective life, maybe it was her calling all along and putting her life on the line to protect others was what she was always meant to do.





*University of London, Fitzrovia, London*

It was a common occurrence for my name to be called suddenly several times every day.

"Woodhouse!" Professor Wentworth's voice echoed in the lecture hall and I jumped, dropping my book. "Whatever you are reading, it cannot be more important than what I am telling you."

I mouthed my apologies, sheepishly smiling at the rest of the class as Wentworth continued.

His information was important - today was the last day for lectures. We were going off on vacation for a month and then when we returned, final exams would start.

On the plus side, I would have a degree by the summer.

And the downside? I was doing an accelerated course therefore I had more to remember for the exams than anyone else in the room.

But I was ready and this vacation period was just what we all needed.

As Professor Wentworth continued to go over what to expect on the upcoming exams in English and Comparative Literature, I made notes of everything, ticking off what I was confident with and what I needed to review.

A bell echoed in the corridor and class was dismissed. Over the footsteps, the chatter and the rustling of clothes, Wentworth called some final points, wishing us a wonderful time, whatever we chose to do in the following weeks.

I picked up my fallen book and gathered up my things, putting them into my bag as I descended the theatre steps to Professor Wentworth's desk.

"Professor?" I started and he turned to me. His eyes fell on the book I held in my hands and he smiled.

"What are you reading that has you so distracted?" He asked me and I showed him the book in my hands. "The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde?" He raised his eyebrows and I laughed

Ada & The Earl (The Woodhouse Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now