Chapter 11 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:

I was busy with work when I heard soft snoring, I looked up to find Claire sleeping soundlessly on the couch. I stood up and made my way toward her.

She was sleeping so peacefully but the couch wasn't a comfortable place to sleep. I bent down to her level looking at her soft angelic face. I must look like a creep right now.

I effortlessly picked her fragile body in my arms, she stirred a bit but soon got comfortable. She seems so carefree when she's asleep.

I walked towards the bed carefully lay her down and pulled the comforter over her as she cuddled in the pillow seeming restful. I moved the strand of hair from her face softly caressing her cheek. Her smell, her eyes, and her pouty lips are so alluring. Her soft giggle almost stopped my heart today, her voice is just so captivating.

Seeing her in Oliver's or even in Derek's arms pisses me off beyond control. For some goddamn reason, I feel the urge to keep her away from everyone's touch but mine.

I sighed taking one last look at her angel-like face and turned around walking towards the bathroom to have a shower.


Claire's POV:

I felt so warm and comfortable like I was laying on a floating cloud. I slowly open my eyes and took in my surroundings, and my eyes went wide.

Xavier! I fell asleep in Xavier's room!

I abruptly sat up and looked around but he was not present in the room, what caught my attention was that I wasn't on the couch anymore, instead, I was on his bed, his bed and sheets and even the pillow smelled like him.

Did he put me here?

Suddenly I heard a shower being turned off, he was in the bathroom. Soon after the bathroom door opened and he walked out with just a towel wrapped dangerously low around his hips showing off his V-line.

I gasped aloud and covered my eyes with my hands, my heart started racing wildly as the blood rushed to my cheeks.

I heard another door open and shut so I peeked from the cracks of my fingers to confirm that he was gone. I let out a deep breath calming my racing heart down.

After a few minutes, he walked out in grey sweatpants and a black v-neck shirt that stuck to him like a second skin, water droplets dropping from his hair as he ran his hand through them. I gulped, how can someone look soo good in such normal clothing?

He looked towards me and I quickly lowered my eyes hoping he didn't catch me checking him out. Way to go, Claire, checking out your kidnapper, really? My self-consciousness scolded me as I sighed.

"You're up" he said making me look up at him as he got back in front of that laptop not looking at me.

I nodded lightly then realized he couldn't see it. "Y-yes, sorry I f-fell asleep I just g-got bored" I spoke keeping my voice low, I hate when I stutter but I can't help it when I'm talking to him.

He nodded and stayed silent. What do I even do now??

I sighed and helped myself off the bed with the help of the side table, accidentally dropping the decoration piece on the floor as it shattered into small pieces in front of my eyes, oh no!

I panicked and immediately let go of the table resulting in me falling on the floor with a loud thud.

In a matter of seconds, Xavier came rushing towards me and bent down, I scurried away afraid of him.

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