Chapter 16 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:

I almost fucking kissed her. What the fuck is wrong with me, how can I let my guard down around her!. This is not good.

But when I saw her teary eyes, her trembling lips, I couldn't hold back. If Derek wouldn't have walked in I would have captured those pouty lips in-between my own.

I'm not pissed that I almost kissed her, I'm fucking pissed that I so badly wanted to comfort her, hold her small figure in my arms and soothe her, take all her pain away. What in the actual fuck is happening to me!?

I have never in my life felt this urge to protect someone, to wanna see a smile on their face. Especially with girls, it has always been a one-night fuck, and never see them again.

But with her it's fucking different, she makes me vulnerable. The way she looks into my eyes, trying to search for something. I don't miss the look she has when she stares into my eyes with her enchanting ones. She always tries to figure me out, I can clearly see she's afraid of me, which is obvious. But for some reason I don't like it, I don't like to see fear in her eyes, not for me.

Leaving the mansion I drove off, I needed to be away from her, especially right now, I couldn't handle her enchanting eyes staring into mine without kissing the hell out of her.

I drove and drove, I don't know where I drove off so I just kept going, for hours and hours until I stopped near a hill.

Getting out of the car I walked towards the edge and sat there, watching the sun go down as the sky changed its colors. I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes.

Closing my eyes the only thing that came to my mind was her. Her big doe eyes, her soft angelic voice...

I need to get a hold of myself. I can't let this happen again. Whatever she's doing to me, I need to put an end to it. Before it gets out of my hand.

I sat there for hours, smoking and thinking.

After a while, I glanced down at my wristwatch and it was 3:30 am already. I sighed and stood up walking back to my car. Getting in I started the engine and began my drive back to the mansion.

Upon reaching the mansion I Walked in and it was dead silent, I shook my head and walked towards the kitchen, and drank some water.

I began walking upstairs and immediately my eyes landed on her door. She must be asleep.

I sighed and as I was about to walk away toward my room I heard low whimpers coming from Claire's room. My brows furrowed together as I began walking towards her room instead.

Reaching the door I slowly twisted the handle opening the door. I peeked in to see her petite figure shivering and trembling on the bed.

I quickly went in and walked towards her. She was sweating, her face was wet with her tears as she kept whispering incoherent words as her chest was heaving up and down fastly. She was having another nightmare.

My heart sank seeing her in this condition, so broken. And deep down I knew I broke her.

I immediately sat beside her and pulled her trembling body into my embrace, I held her tight in my arms as I rubbed her back soothingly.

"Sssh Angel, it's just a nightmare, you're safe, I got you" I whispered softly as she physically relaxed a bit at the sound of my voice, and her body calmed down in my arms.

I kept rubbing her back smoothly hoping that might end her nightmare. After a few minutes, she relaxed completely and her breathing went back to its normal pace.

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