Chapter 47 (edited)

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Xavier's POV:

My heart didn't agree with leaving her side but Derek was right, I needed to freshen up a little.

I won't be long, just a shower and I'm set on my way back to her.

It's not that I don't trust Derek on keeping her safe, I know he would do anything in his power to protect her, but just leaving her and not being able to see her terrifies me.

Jumping in the car I drove off towards the mansion.

Reaching I got out and walked into the deadly silent house, I still remember seeing her sitting in the lounge, reading or watching TV.

She never noticed my presence because I looked at her from a good distance, seeing her always made me feel at peace.

Dragging my feet up the stairs and into my room I walked into the bathroom, stripping out of my dirty clothes.

My wound was healing pretty fast as it didn't hurt that much anymore.

Walking into the shower I let the cold water hit my bare back, relaxing my tensed muscles.

Getting done with the shower I cleaned my wound and wrapped a clean bandage around it. Throwing on a pair of sweats and a shirt I walked back into my room, ready to leave for the hospital when my eyes fell on my bed and the exhaustion took the best of me.

Walking forward I dropped onto my bed, laying my head on the soft pillow, closing my eyes. Just 10 minutes.


Waking up I immediately sat up. Fuck how long was I out for?

Looking out the window I realized I had been out for fucking hours. Bolting out of my bed I rushed out of the mansion and into my car.

Rushing the car across the road I reached the hospital in 15 minutes. Getting out and into the hospital I walked towards her room, ignoring all the stares I was getting.

Just as I reached her room I heard her cries. Busting open the door my blood boiled seeing that pig's hands on her while she hysterically shook with cries. All I saw was red.

I lunge at him, pulling him away from her, and threw his body on the floor before jumping on him and began throwing punches across his face, ready to kill him right there and then.

I didn't stop until his body went numb under me and my knuckles were covered in his blood. Pushing off his body I stood up and rushed towards Claire who was now crying in Derek's arms as he was trying to calm her down.

My heart broke when she scurried away from me and her eyes went big in fear and tears began dripping down her face.

"Angel, it's me" I whispered taking a slow step towards her but her cries got louder and soon the nurses rushed into the room gathering around her and injecting her with something that made her immediately pass out, and the last thing I saw in her eyes was terror and fear, for me.

Walking out of the room with a heavy heart I dropped on one of the chairs.

Dialing Oliver's number I held the phone against my ear and soon he picked up.

"Liam is here, take him to the basement, I'll be there shortly" I muttered and he agreed, cutting the line.

Then Derek walked out of the room and my fists tightened, getting up I threw a hard punch across his face and he stumbled back.

"Where the fuck were you?!" I roared and his eyes were guilty as he avoided my gaze.

"If I hadn't walked in when I did, do you realize what he would've done to her?" I snapped and he didn't lift his head once, I know he was feeling guilty and he fucking should be.

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